If so, you need professional help. Admitting you have an addiction is often the hardest step to take, but once you’ve overcome denial and are ready to commit to recovery, we’re here to help.

At Addiction Advocates we can help you rebuild a life free from drug and alcohol addiction. With personalised treatment programmes, quality facilities and attentive staff, we can help you finally achieve long term recovery.

Contact our dedicated team today to find out where your nearest drug and alcohol rehab in Twickenham is.


Admitting To Your Addiction

Denial is a common part of addiction, as you’ll often not want to admit to your addiction until your world has fallen apart and you hit rock bottom.

Addiction itself holds a powerful influence on your mind, which consists of the craving, lack of control over use of the substance and the continued use despite its harm to yourself.

The following behaviours are symptomatic of an addict:

  • Secrecy
  • Insomnia
  • Memory Loss
  • Change in behaviour and even personality
  • Increased anxiety and depression
  • Distancing from normal social circles and formation of new, more negative social circles

If left untreated addiction will consume you, you’ll push away anyone that cares for you and you may even lose your job, home and fall into debt trying to fund your habit.

No matter the severity of your addiction, it’s never too late, or early for that matter, to ask for help.


Why Rehab Is Necessary

Whilst you may have tried and failed to detox at home, we would only advise attempting any form of recovery under the care of professionals.

Addiction impacts both your physical and psychological health, which means that when recovery from such an instructive condition, you’ll need the best care possible.

Withdrawal symptoms are a common part of rehab and occur during drug and alcohol detox. Your body will have grown used to the substance, meaning it’ll not be able to function without it.

During detox your consumption levels are reduced, but whilst this occurs your body will react and have to readjust to function without the substance. This causes the withdrawal symptoms, which can range from nausea, to anxiety and even seizures.

Alongside requiring medical help for detox, theory is an important aspect of recovery. Addiction is often caused and causes mental health issues, which is why full recovery cannot be achieved without a dual diagnosis treatment programme designed to target both physical and psychological impacts of addiction.


Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Twickenham

Finding rehab in Twickenham is not difficult, as there are many clinics and rehabilitation centres in the local area. However, its important you find the right location for you own needs.

It’s important that the centre you choose for you recovery provide dual diagnosis treatment programmes to ensure that both the physical and psychological aspects of your addiction are treated.

You’ll also have to choose between outpatient and residential treatment. The main difference between the two is the with outpatient treatment you’ll attend the detox clinic during the day and return home in the evening and weekends, whereas with residential treatment you’ll live onsite for the duration of your treatment programme.

Naturally, you may be driven by finances when choosing your treatment. Friends and family can often help you to cover these costs and allow you to receive the best possible treatment. Remember it’s your future you’re considering.


Residential Rehab

At Addiction Advocates we provide residential addiction treatment. This means that you’ll be required to live at the rehabilitation centre throughout the duration of your treatment programme.

You’ll be provided with quality accommodation and facilities, meals throughout the day, access to drug or alcohol detox treatments and therapy options, as well as access to the amenities onsite.

The main advantage of residential addiction treatment is the fact that you’ll have runs the clock care from the expert staff at the centre. You’ll also have distance from your daily life and the negative influence that fuel your addiction, meaning you’ll have the chance to recover your mind and body and develop strategies to help deal with those negative influences before having to deal with them again.

We believe residential addiction treatment to be the most effective form of treating addiction. Most of our programmes run for 28 days, but this does vary depending on the patient and their requirements.


Our Approach

Upon arrival at our centre you’ll undergo a full medical examination. This will allow our medical staff to asses your mental and physical health and determine the best treatment programme for you.

Drug or alcohol detox is always the first step in every programme, since you cannot undertake therapy without a clear mind. Detox usually takes a couple of days and is always supervised by our attentive medical staff.

Where necessary prescription drugs can be used to help make you feel more comfortable if you experience more extreme withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms you experience will depend on the length and severity of your addiction.

After your detox is successfully completed you’ll undergo therapy. The most common type of therapy used to treat addiction is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT). CBT works by identifying the root causes of your addiction and your current behavioural patterns and thought processes.

Through psychoeducation you can retrain your mind to reform new, more positive habits and put into place strategies to help you overcome cravings and testing situations.

Alongside CBT there are a range of other therapies, such as group sessions, motivational workshops and meditation classes that can be taken to help you rebuild a more positive lifestyle.


Next Steps

Admitting to your addiction can be the hardest part of recovery, but once you’ve overcome your denial and are ready to fully commit to recovery we’re here to help you.

If left untreated your addiction will only get worse, no matter how in control you may feel. It’s never too late to ask for help.

Contact our supportive team today and let us help you rebuild a life free from drug and alcohol addiction.


  • [1] Addiction - https://www.helpguide.org/harvard/how-addiction-hijacks-the-brain.htm
  • [2] psychoeducation - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2897895/