It is an issue that can affect anyone, regardless of their circumstances. The process of developing an addiction can be slow and gradual, so subtle that in many cases it can be difficult to even tell that there is a problem.
When stress and anxiety builds up, many people find themselves drinking more as a way to cope or find release. It might feel like it helps at first, but as time goes on it will become harder and harder to stop.
Sometimes dependency develops rapidly. Drugs such as cocaine, which is known for inducing a heightened but fleeting sense of euphoria, are particularly dangerous.
Cocaine addiction is so common precisely because of the intensity and shortness of the high- users are inevitably left craving more.
You might think that you can control your urges, but if you chase that feeling it is almost certain that you will find yourself trapped in a self-destructive cycle.
Finding Rehab in Hampstead
If you find yourself with an alcohol or drug addiction, the single best thing you can do is reach out for professional help.
It might be extremely hard to admit that you need support, but studies show time and time again that addicts are much more likely to recover if they receive rehabilitation. More often than not, the problem is only exacerbated when sufferers try to overcome their problem alone.
When you are ready to reach out, Addiction Advocates is here to help. We run a dedicated helpline, open 24 hours a day. Just give us a call, and our team of specialists and advisors will review your case and find a clinic that is suitable for your needs
We work with a number of high quality, tried and tested rehab centres across the country, all offering different programmes of addiction treatment. One of them will be right for you, and we can help you find it.
Why choose Drug and Alcohol Rehab?
Put simply, the main advantage of a rehab clinic is the safety that it provides. The first and main hurdle in recovery is overcoming the mental and physical symptoms of withdrawal.
When you stop consuming a substance that you are addicted to, your body can react in numerous, often painful ways.
The most common withdrawal symptoms are general aches and pains, as well as increased irritability and bouts of anger. In particularly bad cases, however, withdrawal can be much more serious- with sufferers experiencing hallucinations and even seizures. Withdrawal from opioids like heroin is generally the worst- it is not unknown for opioid withdrawal to prove fatal.
With rehab, you do not need to fear these dark outcomes. The first step in almost all programmes of addiction treatment is detoxification. The detox clinic provides a safe, regulated environment in which to go through this arduous process.
Psychologists, doctors and nurses will be on hand to guide you through the withdrawal period, and to avert any potential danger. If you are addicted to an opioid such as heroin, replacement drugs like methadone can be provided to help wean you off in a gradual, safe manner.
A Holistic Approach
When tackling substance dependency, it is critical that we recognise that addiction is inextricably bound to issues of mental health. Substance addiction is almost always the result of substance abuse, and substance abuse is very rarely without a root cause.
Most addicts turn to drugs or alcohol in an attempt to alleviate stress or to escape trouble in their lives. There is no one single cause of addiction, and so there is no one single solution.
Your drug or alcohol addiction might be the result of work stress, relationship turmoil, or unresolved trauma. It may be directly linked to a mental health condition such as depression or anxiety, and if not it may well lead to you developing such conditions.
Whatever the case, in order to achieve a lasting and full recovery, it is important that the psychological aspect of your addiction is thoroughly addressed.
To this end rehab clinics also offer a range of different therapies. Talking through your issues with an impartial, professional counsellor can go a long way to helping you identify the root causes of your addiction.
Once you understand where your dependency problems stem from, you can begin to make the necessary changes in your life to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
Other talking therapies like CBT, which stands for cognitive behavioural therapy, can also be incredibly useful in allowing you to develop self-discipline and healthy coping mechanisms.
By encouraging you to rationalise and approach your daily problems in a calm, controlled way, CBT greatly reduces the impact of stress upon your psyche and helps lower the risk of remission.
Addiction recovery is a long process, one that continues on even once you have left rehab. No matter how much your condition improves, there will always be the possibility of relapse.
Recovery is a choice, a hard one, one that you must continue to make day after day. Those first few months after leaving the safe, enclosed space of a treatment clinic will be the most difficult- this is the moment when you will be back in your regular environment, vulnerable to your old triggers.
This is why rehab centres offer comprehensive aftercare programmes, meaning that you will still have access to professional support, guidance and treatment should you stumble once you are back on your own two feet.
Above all else rehab offers support, and that does not go away once you leave the clinic. Once you have been to rehab, that place and those people will always remain part of your support network.
Recovering from addiction will never be easy. But with the right help, it is very much possible. We can provide that help, so do not hesitate to contact us.
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