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Refer Your Husband For Addiction

If you find your Husband is suffering from an addiction you may be wanting how to get him help. Intervening and finding him the right treatment could not only save your relationship but his long-term health. Enquire Now

If your husband has an addiction to drink or drugs it can often feel hard to know where to turn for help.

Some people may find it difficult to talk about their husband’s addiction to drinking or drugs. Feelings of shame or guilt can not only be experienced by an addict but also by their extended family.

Although It is not something that you need to feel ashamed of, many people face this challenge in life and successfully overcome their addiction with the right treatment and support.

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Drug Addiction in Men

Men are more likely to become addicted to drugs than women. This can start from an early age where peer pressure can be a contributing factor in many men.

According to the Uk government, 275,896 people were in contact with drug and alcohol services between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021. Of all the people represented here 68% of these people were men. The most common illegal drugs taken by men during this period included:

  • Cannabis
  • Cocaine
  • Ecstasy
  • Hallucinogens
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Ketamine

How Do You Know if Your Husband is Addicted To Drugs?

There are generally common signs to look out for if you suspect your partner has an addiction. These can be physically, and visibly present to all but often they can be more subtle.

Common Indicators Include:

  • Change in Physical Appearance
  • Bloodshot Eyes
  • Physical Evidence such as Injection sites
  • Yellowing of the Skin
  • Finding drug paraphernalia
  • Mood swings
  • Trouble getting to sleep
  • Secretive behaviour
  • New Friends

You may feel your husband has his drug or alcohol intake under control without realising he is suffering from addiction. Can he go a few days without the drug, does the drug cause problems in his personal life, work or family life?

If the answer to these questions is yes, you may need to take steps to ensure he is aware of the dangers of addiction and how it can take hold over time.

Recognising the Addiction Cycle

Most people who become who addicted to a harmful substance follow a familiar pattern, often known as the addiction cycle. This includes.

  1. Initial Use
  2. Abuse
  3. Tolerance
  4. Dependence
  5. Addiction
  6. Relapse

Your husband may have been introduced to a drug from a certain group of friends or prescribed a particular drug by the local Doctor to relieve pain.

This can then develop into long-term abuse, where the user develops a certain level of tolerance to the drug. Here people build up a tolerance to a substance they have been using for a long period of time.

The danger here is that as you put more of the drug into your body to have the desired effect because of your tolerance, you are deepening your addiction to the drug.

In the next stage, your body becomes dependent on the drug, your tolerance level is high and you can not function properly without taking the drug and this leads to addiction.

Addiction is a chronic condition that affects both your physical and mental state. Now you are unable to stop taking the drug, cannot function without it and experience withdrawal symptoms if you go a time without consuming the drug.

Can Men Become Aggressive Under the Influence of Drugs?

While it is certainly true that drugs can have an impact on a person’s mood and behavior, it is important to remember that not everyone reacts in the same way.

Some men may become more relaxed or even sleepy when taking certain drugs, while others may become more anxious, irritable or yes, even violent.

There is no one-size-fits-all response to drug use, and the effects will vary depending on the individual. However, it is important to be aware of the potential for adverse reactions, especially when taking new or unknown substances.

In some cases, people may become aggressive or angry when under the influence of drugs, making them a danger to themselves and others. If your husband is struggling with drug addiction, it is important to seek professional help as soon as possible.

With treatment and support, it is possible to overcome addiction and lead a healthy, drug-free life. But as we know, approaching your husband and getting him to seek help can bring its own challenges in certain scenarios

How to Approach your Husband Regarding an Addiction?

If you plan to talk to your husband regarding his drug addiction, your success may vary. You may have a civilised conversation where your husband admits he has a problem and agrees to seek treatment.

Your husband may also deny he has a drug problem and no breakthrough is achieved. This can lead to arguments and cause strain in relationships. This is a major factor why people may put off having this “difficult conversation” regarding addiction with their husband.

A key aspect of planning an intervention is understanding your husband. You know his character, what approach should you take?

We recommend learning about how to approach your husband regarding his drug abuse and plan the right time to intervene. You may not want to bring it up if they are under the influence and prone to aggressiveness or even forgetfulness.

Men Don’t Like to Talk About Health Issues

Health is an important issue for everyone, but it can be especially difficult for men to talk about. There are a number of reasons why men may shy away from discussing health concerns, including a lack of knowledge about the topic or a belief that talking about health is “unmanly.”

This silence can have harmful consequences, as men are more likely than women to die from preventable causes such as heart disease, cancer, and accidents. In addition, men are less likely to visit the doctor for regular checkups and are more likely to delay seeking treatment for serious health problems.

By breaking the silence around your husband’s addiction you could help to save his life, but you may need to break down this barrier and start two-way communication.

Can I Get a Doctor’s Appointment for my Husband?

With your husband’s consent, you should be able to book an appointment at the local GP surgery. If your husband wishes you may be able to attend the appointment if he has difficulty talking to the doctor or opening up about the seriousness of the condition.

Here your GP will be able to recommend courses of treatment available in the local community. If your husband is suffering from a severe addiction, you may need to refer him for placement in a specialist private rehab may also be reccomended.

Are Men Much More Likely to Suffer From Addiction

Addiction is a serious problem that affects people of all genders, races, and socio-economic backgrounds. However, men are much more likely to struggle with addiction than women. In fact, studies have shown that men are more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol and are also more likely to develop addictions to gambling and sex.

There are a number of reasons for this disparity. First, men are more likely than women to take risks and engage in risky behaviours. Second, men are more likely to suffer from mental health problems such as depression and anxiety, which can lead to self-medicating with drugs or alcohol.

Finally, social pressure plays a role; men are often discouraged from openly talking about their emotions and may turn to substance abuse as a way of numbing their pain. Whatever the reason, it is clear that addiction is a serious problem for men and one that requires treatment.

Can my Husband Recover From Drug Addiction?

Addiction is a difficult disease to overcome, and your husband is not immune however strong you feel he may be. While statistics show that men are more likely than women to abuse drugs, anyone can develop an addiction.

If your husband is struggling with drug addiction, you may be wondering if there is hope for recovery. The good news is that addiction is treatable, and many husbands have gone on to lead happy and healthy lives after getting help.

However, recovery is a long and difficult process, and it will require both of you to commit to the process. In addition, it is important to remember that relapse is common, and even if your husband has been sober for years may still struggle with temptation. But with the right treatment, love and support, your husband can overcome his addiction.

Will my Husband be Away for Long in Rehab?

If it is decided the best course of action is to send your husband to a rehab centre as an inpatient, your spouse will be away for an extended period of time.

The first question you might ask is “will my husband be away for long in rehab?” The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the severity of the addiction and the length of the treatment program.

In general, most inpatient rehab programs last between 7 and 30 days. However, some programs may be shorter or longer depending on the needs of the individual. After completing an inpatient program, your husband may also participate in an outpatient program which can last for several months.

Ultimately, the goal is for your husband to be sober and healthy, so he can return home and resume his life. Thankfully, there are many resources available to help you through this difficult time.

Will I Need to Care for my Husband After Drug Rehab?

After your husband completes drug or alcohol rehab, it is important that he has a strong support system in place to help him maintain sobriety. While you may be the first line of support, it is also important to enlist the help of friends and relatives where appropriate.

In addition, there are a number of 12-step programs that can provide ongoing support. While it is ultimately up to your husband to stay sober, you can play a vital role in his recovery. By providing love and understanding, you can help him navigate the challenges of life without resorting to drugs or alcohol. Together, you can build a new future free from addiction.

How to Help my Husband After Rehab

If your husband has recently completed a rehab program, it is important to provide him with support and encouragement as he readjusts to life outside of treatment. Here are a few things you can do to help:

First, be patient and understanding. It can take time for someone to readjust to life after treatment, and your husband may have good days and bad days. Try to be supportive and understanding during both the good and the bad days.

Second, help him develop a support network. If your husband is struggling, encourage him to reach out to friends or family members who can offer emotional support. Additionally, he may want to consider joining a support group for people who have been through addiction and recovery.

Finally, make sure he has a plan in place for dealing with triggers and difficult situations. If there are certain people, places, or things that trigger his craving for drugs or alcohol, help him develop a plan for avoiding those triggers. Additionally, if he is facing a stressful situation, encourage him to talk to you or another trusted individual about it instead of turning to drugs or alcohol.

By following these tips, you can provide your husband with the support he needs as he readjusts to life.

Can I Still Drink if my Husband is a Recovering Alcoholic?

If your husband is a recovering alcoholic, you may be wondering if it is still okay for you to drink. The answer to this question depends on a number of factors, including the severity of your husband’s addiction, the length of time he has been sober, and your own personal relationship with alcohol.

If your husband is early in his recovery, it may be best to avoid drinking altogether. This will give him a chance to develop a stronger sense of self-control and avoid any triggers that could lead to a relapse. If he has been sober for some time and you feel comfortable drinking around him, moderation is key.

Avoid getting drunk or putting yourself in situations where alcohol is the focus. Instead, focus on enjoying each other’s company and spending time together in sobriety.  Overall, the decision of whether or not to drink while your husband is in recovery is a personal one that should be based on what is best for your husband’s sobriety and your own relationship with alcohol.

Will he Get Over his Addiction?

You may be wondering if your husband will ever be able to recover fully from a drug or alcohol addiction. The good news is that many people are able to overcome addiction and go on to lead healthy, happy lives.

However, the path to recovery is often long and difficult, and there is no guarantee that your husband will be able to totally quit using substances. Additionally, some people who do recover from addiction may still struggle with cravings or other issues related to their past addiction.

If your husband is committed to recovery, however, there is a good chance that he will be able to overcome his addiction and heal both physically and emotionally. With love and support from you, he can achieve lasting sobriety and enjoy a fulfilling life.


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  • [2] men are much more likely to struggle with addiction -

How We Help

Finding the right treatment for your addiction can be difficult this is why we have created a service which takes the stress away which can be a massive relief when dealing with an addiction.
Self Referrals

Self Referrals

Suffering with an addiction and being alone can be a horrific scenario for many. Whether you have a drug or alcohol addiction, we're here to help.
Family Referrals

Family Referrals

Do you have concerns that a loved one may be affected by substance misuse? Have you spotted any signs and symptoms of a drug and alcohol…
Friend Referrals illustration

Friend Referrals

Are you worried that a friend’s alcohol or drug consumption has become out of control? For many individuals, substance abuse starts unintentionally…

What We Offer


Free Assessment

This is done to assess what sort of help is needed so we can recommend an addiction treatment service that can provide the best help possible. All calls are strictly confidential and are carried out by a trained healthcare professional.…

This is done to assess what sort of help is needed so we can recommend an addiction treatment service that can provide the best help possible.

All calls are strictly confidential and are carried out by a trained healthcare professional.

No obligation recommendations are made after a full assessment of yourself or loved ones situation is fully made.

Recommendations include specialist addiction treatment programmes in CQC regulated facilities based throughout the UK.

If you are unable to afford private treatment then public healthcare and charities would also be recommended to you.

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How We Support You

We have a large number of helpful services available to help give you the best possible support when it comes to dealing with addiction. Just some of the services we can offer includes: Free confidential telephone assessment Recommending CQC regulated…

We have a large number of helpful services available to help give you the best possible support when it comes to dealing with addiction.

Just some of the services we can offer includes:

  • Free confidential telephone assessment
  • Recommending CQC regulated residential addiction treatment providers
  • Arranging for an intervention, if needed
  • Insights into how different therapies and evidence based treatments work
  • How detoxification works and what is the most safest option
  • What type of rehab and detox programmes would be best suited for yourself or loved one
  • Recommendations of the best providers in your area
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Why Choose Us?

We can help take the stress out of finding an addiction treatment provider by recommending only the best options available that fully suits your criteria. The help and advice we can provide includes making sure that your journey towards recovery…

We can help take the stress out of finding an addiction treatment provider by recommending only the best options available that fully suits your criteria.

The help and advice we can provide includes making sure that your journey towards recovery is one that can definitely be achieved.

Taking the step towards recovery can be incredibly tough but we are here to put your concerns at ease by giving you insights into the safety of undertaking residential addiction treatment and how it can put you on the path towards long lasting recovery from addiction.

Our team of advisors have extensive experience and knowledge about the subject of addiction and the treatment provided so if you have any questions then they will be more than happy to help.

Get started today by calling our friendly team today on 0800 012 6088.

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