Did you know that long-term consumption of drugs and alcohol, on an excessive scale can cause significant risk to your physical and psychological health?
Did you also know that some of those risks can be irreversible, no matter how much intervention is accepted?
At Addiction Advocates, we understand how scary the above can come across. However, it is unfortunately the reality of a long-term drug and alcohol addiction.
This is exactly why great focus is placed on encouraging those with addictions to withdraw and recover safely, along with further emphasis on reducing substance abuse as a whole.
Many individuals begin to consume drugs and alcohol on an innocent scale. However, overtime, as their effects are favoured, it can be difficult to break the cycle of addiction, where enablement continues.
This exact moment of enablement is where physical and psychological risks will begin to develop. And this is the exact moment that drug and alcohol rehabilitation can work at its best.
If you’re struggling through substance abuse, or addictive attachments towards drugs and alcohol, it’s time to accept professional intervention.
We can support you throughout each step, helping you find a drug and alcohol rehab in Sevenoaks to recover from and revert those risks.
Currently, you may feel miles away from irreversible health concerns. However, sooner than later, through ongoing drug and alcohol abuse, their addictive characteristics will take over, changing your quality of life and entire existence.
Avoid the challenge of chronic withdrawal by committing to your future self, today.
The impacts of drugs and alcohol on the body and mind
Long-term, consistent consumption of drugs and alcohol can lead to physical and psychological health risks.
This is the greatest concern linked to substance abuse. Of course, further negatives are expected through an addiction diagnosis, with a focus on crime, on relationship breakdowns, and on general changes to the quality of life.
Yet, your health isn’t something to mess around with. Drug and alcohol consumption, as a whole, is now normalised. On mild scales, while the damage can still be experienced, there’s a high chance that quality of life will remain.
However, once consumption does become addictive and prioritised, this is where great impacts on the body and mind will develop.
Side effects can be anything from respiratory issues, mental health issues, cognitive impairment, malnourishment and organ failure.
While these diagnoses may seem extreme, this is the reality of long-term drug and alcohol abuse, down to their hazardous identities.
The attached worry is that the presence of drugs and alcohol will also cause adaptations in the body and mind.
Some of those adaptations can be very difficult to revert, which can leave a long-term imprint of illness, of compulsive behaviours, and of susceptibility to addiction.
Down to these likelihoods, we encourage you to consider the fact that you are consuming toxic substances and enabling their effects on your body and mind.
Use your future health as a motivation to stop your consumption and visit a drug and alcohol rehab in Sevenoaks.
Recovering from a drug and alcohol rehab in Sevenoaks
In order to tackle your drug and alcohol addiction, once and for all, reaching out for professional guidance will be encouraged. This is where our team can step in, by firstly supporting you through your search and selection process.
At Addiction Advocates, we work with a wide range of drug and alcohol rehabilitation clinics. We can offer a personal and reliable referral for you, helping you access the greatest level of care and addiction treatment.
Through our pre-admission assessments, we can gauge the exact drug and alcohol rehab in Sevenoaks or the surrounding area which will rank as suitable for you.
By completing this step, you’ll secure the greatest form of intervention, by remaining in your local area of Sevenoaks for comfort, yet by embracing the intensity and progression of residential rehab.
Through our services, you’ll then access further professional support through drug and alcohol rehab, where you’ll be supported by leading addiction specialists and provided with a personal rehab programme.
Whether you’re suffering from minor associations with drugs and alcohol, or a chronic dependence, this is the greatest route to sober living, ensuring that you can safely yet sustainably live without drugs and alcohol.
Physical and psychological recovery capabilities
As we’ve highlighted above, drug and alcohol abuse will impact both the body and brain over a long period of time. In order to overcome an addiction diagnosis of any degree, both physical and psychological recovery must be aimed for.
This is possible via a drug and alcohol rehab clinic, offering personalised rehab programmes. Through a range of carefully selected addiction treatment services, you can work to achieve withdrawal, restoration, repair, relapse prevention and the normalisation of sober living.
Both physical and psychological recovery will be possible by completing the likes of a detox programme, cognitive behavioural therapy, stress management, exposure therapy and dual diagnosis treatment.
Exact recommendations will be provided on a personal basis. Yet, the common consensus is that true capability will be present, to recover, by selecting and committing to a comprehensive rehab programme, in the Sevenoaks area.
Remaining healthy to sustain sobriety
Post-rehab, on your return to Sevenoaks, there will be a range of guidelines for you to follow. Those guidelines will provide detail around the steps you should take to remain sober and maintain your efforts from drug and alcohol rehab.
Aftercare services will be highlighted in those guidelines, helping you maintain accountability and motivation to lead a drug and alcohol-free future.
However, one of the greatest areas that you can personally work on focuses on your health. By remaining healthy, you’ll have a greater likelihood of sustaining sobriety.
By healthy, we mean that you work on your mental health, that you follow healthy nutrition advice, that you get enough rest, that you exercise, that you participate in mindfulness and self-care, and that you work on your health, for now, and for the future.
Through these positive lifestyle choices, you’ll be positioned better to remain drug and alcohol-free. You’ll in fact have reduced desires to consume drugs and alcohol, as you’ll feel healthier and happier.
There are many other steps you can take to uphold your success through rehab. Yet, through focusing on your health, you’ll have a tangible motivator to remain sober.
Reach this point with our guidance at Addiction Advocates, by making the most of professional guidance through your admission and by visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Sevenoaks.
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