Addiction by its very definition means you experience a compulsion to carry on drinking or using drugs, even when you know there may be negative consequences

You might not know where to turn but help is only a call or a message away.

Alcohol and drug rehab in Rowley Regis could help you to turn your life around and finally kick that habit for good.

Alcohol and Drug misuse – you are not alone

Some people in the grip of an addiction may feel ashamed and this can prevent them from seeking help, or even admitting the extent of their problem.

Studies suggest that some people may be more susceptible to sliding into addiction due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors, but addiction can still strike anyone, irrespective of job, status or anything else.

And if you’re struggling with substance misuse issues, you are certainly not alone. In the year to March 2020 around one in eleven people in England and Wales had used illegal drugs.

Using is not the same as addiction of course, but it is a slippery slope and 2.1% of adults aged 16 to 59 years and 4.3% of adults aged 16 to 24 years were classed as ‘frequent’ drug users. It also seems to be the case that drug use has risen significantly since the start of the pandemic.

Alcohol misuse is also a serious issue throughout the UK. Nearly a quarter (24%) of adults in England and Scotland regularly drink over the Chief Medical Officer’s low-risk guidelines and more than a quarter (27%) of drinkers in the UK binge drink.

There are an estimated 586,780 dependent drinkers – commonly known as alcoholics – in England alone, and fewer than a fifth (18%) are currently receiving treatment.

There is no shame in admitting that you have a problem and seeking help is actually one of the bravest and most positive things you can do. Call or message us today to find out how we can help and whether rehab centres in Rowley Regis or elsewhere could be the best solution for you.

The dangers of Alcohol and Drug Addiction

There are many dangers involved with addiction and the longer you leave a problem unchecked, the worse the risks become.

This is not just because risks tend to increase over time but because prolonged drinking or drug use tends to build up a tolerance, leading to ever heavier levels of usage.

Many people die from drug and alcohol poisoning every year and, while this is obviously the worst possibly outcome, it is only the tip of the iceberg. Substance misuse is a leading or contributory factor in many serious illnesses, many of which can be debilitating.

The risks will vary depending on the substance involved and numerous other factors but could include heart disease, certain types of cancer, high blood pressure, infections such as HIV and hepatitis, dental problems and brain damage. You may also be more at risk of having an accident or picking up an STI through unsafe sex due to impaired judgement.

You may find yourself falling foul of the law. Addiction can damage and sometimes irreparably destroy relationships. It can rip families apart and affect your ability to work.

You may neglect friendships and responsibilities. In some cases you could end up living on the streets – but even if you are a so-called ‘functional’ addict you still run the risk of damaging your physical and mental health, as well as other aspects of your life.

Addiction and Mental Health

There is a complex relationship between addiction, substance misuse and mental health. In some cases the addiction can be a contributory factor in the development of a mental health condition, or make an existing condition worse.

In others, an existing mental health problem can fuel the person’s drinking or drug use, contributing to the addiction.

According to the Mental Health Foundation around half of all people with a drug dependency were also receiving mental health treatment, while adults who were addicted to drugs were also twice as likely as the general population to be receiving psychological therapy.

The identification and simultaneous treatment of addiction and psychological issues or mental health conditions is often referred to as dual diagnosis. Many drug and alcohol rehab UK centres specialise in this sort of dual diagnosis treatment.

Why Private Rehabilitation could be the right step

The NHS has very valuable drug and alcohol services but the sad fact is resources are often very stretched in this area and there can be long waiting times.

Addiction treatment available on the NHS is also almost always offered on an outpatient basis. This means you will be expected to manage appointments and travel to treatment sessions, which can be difficult when you are actually in the throes of an addiction.

Rehab, on the other hand, puts you in a secure environment where you can concentrate on getting well with round the clock support when you need it.

This is very important when it comes to dealing with detoxification, as the cravings and withdrawal symptoms involved can be very unpleasant and, in some cases, dangerous. This is another reason why trying to go it alone or through an outpatient programme is less likely to be successful.

Alongside a supervised detox you will also receive a tailored addiction treatment programme that will be drawn up following a comprehensive admissions and assessment process.

This rehab treatment will involve a range of different therapies aimed at providing you with the knowledge and tools you will need to make a long-lasting recovery and to avoid relapsing after you leave. A strong aftercare service can also help in this regard, providing support and advice when you need it.

Attending a rehab in Rowley Regis could be one of the best things you ever do so contact us today to find out how we can help.


  • [1] in England alone, and fewer than a fifth (18%) are currently receiving treatment. -