Methadone is identified as a synthetic opioid drug, classified as one of many medications which are used to treat drug addictions.

To support the heroin withdrawal process, methadone and other medications in treatment are highly effective, known to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms.

Mainly used in heroin and opioid withdrawal processes, methadone is commonly selected for its similar opioid effects. However, carrying significantly reduced dangers, the addictive tendencies of methadone are lower when compared to alternative opioids.

In order to support the treatment process, methadone is used to slowly disconnect users from addictive substances. It works by offering similar effects to highly addictive opioids, helping to regulate the body.

However, as methadone is used as a replacement drug, carrying significantly lower euphoric feelings, fixations on those feelings will begin to subside, supporting the detox process

Replacement drugs, such as methadone are very important when detoxing from drugs. This is why completing a drug detox via a rehab clinic is advised, ensuring that you can have access to and be supported by methadone and other medications in treatment.


What is Methadone?

As outlined above, methadone is a drug in itself. It is classed as an opioid substance, carrying similar effects to heroin. However, unlike heroin, methadone has its positive characteristics, where it is used as a replacement drug throughout the detox process.

Unprescribed doses of methadone can result in negative experiences, such as health concerns and potential addictive tendencies. Street methadone will not carry regulations, commonly mixed to achieve significant highs.

Therefore, utilising methadone and other medications through independent withdrawal processes will not be recommended. Here a secondary addiction can develop.

However, through controlled, prescribed doses, methadone has its key purpose in treatment and the rehabilitation process, helping to ease one of the most challenging treatment options, a detox.


How is Methadone used for withdrawal purposes?

Methadone is used to replace other similar drugs. When withdrawing from drugs, medical detox will commonly be offered. The aim of this detox is to reduce and ultimately stop physical and psychological cravings and consumption, helping users rehabilitate from behavioural addictions.

To ease the detox process, methadone and other medications are used as replacements. They provide similar effects, helping to maintain the body’s current functions, while also reducing cravings. Ultimately, methadone is in place to trick the body, by unknowingly reducing consumption on a steady basis.

Alongside replacing the effects of drug consumption, methadone and other medications in treatment are in place to reduce withdrawal symptoms.

As tolerances build, over time, commonly driving the development of an addiction, once consumption levels are lowered, the body will react. Through shock, withdrawal symptoms will be activated, which can sometimes be unbearable.

The main risk of enabling withdrawal symptoms is that users will once again crave drugs, sometimes resulting in further substance abuse, breaking the treatment process. To ease withdrawal symptoms, while controlling the ongoing detoxification process, methadone and other medications will be utilised.

Please be aware that methadone should only ever be used through medically assisted detox processes. High doses can result in tough side effects, while Unprescribed methadone can carry highly addictive characteristics.

To avoid further addictive habits, utilising prescribed methadone and other medications in treatment is recommended. Here you will benefit from their full effects.


The difference between prescribed and Unprescribed methadone

Prescribed methadone is safe, it is recommended by medical professionals for its purpose. In most cases, it is used to support the drug withdrawal process. However, on the opposite end of the scale, unprescribed methadone can be very dangerous, similar to further opioid drugs.

If you’re hoping to benefit from the withdrawing effects that methadone provides, it is important that you opt for a prescribed dose, only available through rehab.

By selecting unprescribed doses of methadone, you will likely aggravate your addiction, along with increasing the risk of a dual diagnosis.


Methadone and other Medications in Treatment Programmes

Many individuals will question the safety of using replacement medications in treatment. Some will carry concerns that an additional addiction will develop. Through medically supervised treatments, the probabilities of developing a secondary addiction are extremely low.

The benefits of using methadone do outweigh the risks, ultimately improving the recovery process. As methadone affects the central nervous system, and the way that it responds to pain, withdrawal processes will ease, increasing responsiveness to additional addiction treatments.

Although methadone is however highly used, it’s important to note that other medications may be utilised in treatment. Some prescription medications will work best for a range of clients, while they may offer limited respite for others. With this in mind, making use of prescription drugs via a rehab clinic should be your only option. Here the most fitting medications in treatment will be identified, used to help you withdraw from addictive substances.


Additional Treatments for Drug Withdrawal

Alongside using replacement drugs, such as methadone, additional treatments will be required to motivate withdrawal. With this in mind, if you’re abusing highly addictive substances, you will require a comprehensive treatment programme.

Your programme will usually begin with the physical withdrawal process. Here is where methadone and other medications in treatment will be utilised. This will be your chance to slowly disconnect physically from drugs, by replacing their effects with methadone.

Alongside physical withdrawal, you will also require psychological support. From talking therapies and support groups to cognitive behavioural therapy and exposure therapy, there is a wide range of treatments available through a drug rehab clinic.

To understand the entire rehab process greater, feel free to contact our team here at Addiction Advocates. We are referral specialists, helping individuals who are aiming for rehabilitation by finding suitable treatment centres.

Methadone and other medications in treatments are highly utilised, down to their positive effects. They are recommended by medical professionals to ease the sometimes-challenging detox process.

It is however important that you avoid self-medicating through methadone, with the attempt to self-detox. Here you will not experience its positive, recovery designed effects.

To benefit from an easier withdrawal process, select recovery through a rehab facility. We can help you select the right one today.


  • [1] synthetic opioid drug -
  • [2] methadone -