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Drug and Alcohol for the Elderly

Addiction to drugs or alcohol is becoming an increasing problem in the older generation, and as the body ages, the elderly are more at risk of hospitalisation or overdose from drug and alcohol abuse. Learn more about drug and alcohol rehab for the elderly here. Enquire Now

When you think of drug or alcohol addiction, you most likely don’t imagine an elderly person suffering from this condition. However, addiction in older adults has been steadily increasing since the early 2000s, believed to partly be associated with the ‘baby boomer generation’, the increased cost of living crisis and general hardships experienced by the elderly.

Reaching the legal drinking age in the 60s and 70s was a challenging time as these are the years that saw a significant change in attitude towards drugs and alcohol where there was a dramatic increase in drinking and drug-taking at social events.

As a result, most seniors today are likely to have experimented with drugs or alcohol which could make them more susceptible to an addiction in their later years.


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Addiction in the Elderly

It’s naïve of us to believe that drug or alcohol addiction only affects a certain type of people, whereas it can affect all ages, races, genders, etc. When it comes to addiction in the elderly, this vulnerable group are most commonly suffering from an addiction to alcohol as opposed to heroin or cocaine, however, addiction to prescription drugs is also on the rise in the elderly.

Alcohol is readily available, socially acceptable, and of course legal; these are all reasons why alcohol addiction is steadily increasing in the elderly.

Although the elderly aren’t commonly addicted to illegal and potentially more life-threatening substances, this doesn’t mean that their addictions are any less serious.

As we get older, our bodies become weaker and so do our defences, so we become much more prone to the addictive compounds in certain substances. Rather than consuming alcohol or prescription drugs out of curiosity or as a form of escapism as many younger people do, the elderly are more likely to use these substances to self-medicate for any physical or psychological pain they’re experiencing.

In these cases, it can be very difficult to identify an addiction as the symptoms may be like those of an ailment that they’re trying to alleviate.

Some common signs of addiction in the elderly are depression, acting distant or defensive, unexplained chronic pain or medical complaints, suffering from memory problems, or seeming distracted, injuries or accidents, neglect of self-care, having difficulty making decisions, experiencing a sudden change in sleeping or eating habits, clumsiness or lack of coordination, loss of interest in hobbies, or irritability and mood swings.

Of course, many of these symptoms can also be related to serious health issues which come with age such as strokes or dementia, therefore if you notice any of these symptoms then it’s crucial to seek out professional support as quickly as possible.

There may also be some social signs which could indicate that an elderly person is suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction including needing to refill their prescriptions more regularly than usual, avoiding their doctors’ appointments, and spending excessive amounts of money on alcohol.

Causes of Addiction in Older Adults

After years of working hard, many of us understandably look forward to the days of retirement and slowing down, however, these big life changes can be triggers for addiction in some older adults which often gets overlooked.

Losing this structure and the socialisation that comes with working, many older people find retirement to be boring or lonely, particularly if their partner or friends haven’t yet retired.

It’s the social norm for us to have a drink at the end of a day’s work, this can be a very difficult habit to break when you leave employment for the first time therefore, you’ll likely continue this habit throughout retirement.

We often see this in the elderly as they’re at home more and can be tempted to have a drink earlier in the day, which could then turn into more than one drink. This can quickly spiral out of control into an alcohol dependence, worsened by the fact that our memory begins to fail as we get older making it difficult to keep track of how much alcohol has been consumed.

Addiction in the elderly to prescribed medication is also a growing problem. GPs are very careful when prescribing multiple medications as they need to be sure that they won’t interfere negatively with each other.

If you’re receiving prescribed medication, you need to be sure that you inform your GP of your honest alcohol intake as this can inadvertently worsen your situation as prescribed medication will likely be dangerous when mixed with excessive alcohol consumption.

Opiates are frequently prescribed for many conditions which naturally come with age such as arthritis, these opiates are generally considered to be addictive so this medication must be closely monitored.

Anxiety and insomnia are also commonly experienced by older people for which benzodiazepines, a type of sedative, are often prescribed. Our bodies can get used to these drugs quite quickly which means that a higher dose is often needed to achieve the desired relief; this means there is a high risk of prescription drug substance abuse.

Rehabilitation for Addiction in the Elderly

Rehabilitation for the elderly needs to be managed slightly differently from those of a younger age. Addiction treatment for older people needs to account for their existing physical or psychological health conditions.

Where possible, family intervention can be very useful as this non-confrontational method helps to persuade the individual to seek out the treatment themselves.

Generally, the elderly benefit more from residential rehab treatment rather than in groups. An age-specific rehab programme where medical specialists are trained to handle elderly rehab appropriately is the best form of treatment, as elderly people are also more likely to suffer serious complications during detoxication.

Drug and alcohol rehab for the elderly will consist of a detox programme, addiction treatment therapies and aftercare to help continue treatment after rehab. Throughout rehab, every resident is cared for to ensure they are healthy and managing well.

Whatever stage their alcohol or drug addiction is at, it’s imperative that they seek out professional support immediately. Addiction will only worsen over time, rehabilitation at a recognised treatment centre is the only solution to living a happier and healthier life. Get in touch on 0800 012 6088 to learn more about addiction rehab for the elderly.

How We Help

Finding the right treatment for your addiction can be difficult this is why we have created a service which takes the stress away which can be a massive relief when dealing with an addiction.
Self Referrals

Self Referrals

Suffering with an addiction and being alone can be a horrific scenario for many. Whether you have a drug or alcohol addiction, we're here to help.
Family Referrals

Family Referrals

Do you have concerns that a loved one may be affected by substance misuse? Have you spotted any signs and symptoms of a drug and alcohol…
Friend Referrals illustration

Friend Referrals

Are you worried that a friend’s alcohol or drug consumption has become out of control? For many individuals, substance abuse starts unintentionally…

What We Offer


Free Assessment

This is done to assess what sort of help is needed so we can recommend an addiction treatment service that can provide the best help possible. All calls are strictly confidential and are carried out by a trained healthcare professional.…

This is done to assess what sort of help is needed so we can recommend an addiction treatment service that can provide the best help possible.

All calls are strictly confidential and are carried out by a trained healthcare professional.

No obligation recommendations are made after a full assessment of yourself or loved ones situation is fully made.

Recommendations include specialist addiction treatment programmes in CQC regulated facilities based throughout the UK.

If you are unable to afford private treatment then public healthcare and charities would also be recommended to you.

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How We Support You

We have a large number of helpful services available to help give you the best possible support when it comes to dealing with addiction. Just some of the services we can offer includes: Free confidential telephone assessment Recommending CQC regulated…

We have a large number of helpful services available to help give you the best possible support when it comes to dealing with addiction.

Just some of the services we can offer includes:

  • Free confidential telephone assessment
  • Recommending CQC regulated residential addiction treatment providers
  • Arranging for an intervention, if needed
  • Insights into how different therapies and evidence based treatments work
  • How detoxification works and what is the most safest option
  • What type of rehab and detox programmes would be best suited for yourself or loved one
  • Recommendations of the best providers in your area
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Why Choose Us?

We can help take the stress out of finding an addiction treatment provider by recommending only the best options available that fully suits your criteria. The help and advice we can provide includes making sure that your journey towards recovery…

We can help take the stress out of finding an addiction treatment provider by recommending only the best options available that fully suits your criteria.

The help and advice we can provide includes making sure that your journey towards recovery is one that can definitely be achieved.

Taking the step towards recovery can be incredibly tough but we are here to put your concerns at ease by giving you insights into the safety of undertaking residential addiction treatment and how it can put you on the path towards long lasting recovery from addiction.

Our team of advisors have extensive experience and knowledge about the subject of addiction and the treatment provided so if you have any questions then they will be more than happy to help.

Get started today by calling our friendly team today on 0800 012 6088.

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