If you have recently observed a change in your loved one’s behaviour and believe that they may be suffering from a drug or alcohol addiction, we would encourage you to contact a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Powys for support and guidance.

If you have attempted to do so, but are in need of additional support, please do not hesitate to contact us.

From discussing the signs you have observed to uncovering what you can do to help your loved one through this somewhat challenging and rocky period of their life, we welcome you to contact us.  You could even make a referral on your loved one’s behalf to ensure they obtain treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Powys or further from home.


What Are the Common Signs Associated with A Drug or Alcohol Addiction?

With an inkling that your loved one may be battling an addiction, it is imperative that you distinguish whether the signs you have observed are associated with an addiction.  In some instances, changes in behaviour and physical appearance may be a result of an underlying illness.

If you find yourself wondering what the common signs associated with a drug or alcohol addiction are, we have listed just a few below;

  • Extreme and unexpected weight loss
  • Irritability
  • Confusion
  • Increased temper
  • Paranoia
  • Poor judgement
  • Memory problems
  • Lack of concentration
  • Discolouration to the skin
  • Red eyes
  • Acting somewhat secretive
  • Seeming anxious and on edge
  • Suffering from insomnia
  • Avoiding certain places and/or people

It is highly recommended that you only approach your loved one about their addiction if you are positive that an addiction is present.  If you are unsure, we can discuss the signs that you have observed with you, in order to come to a conclusion.


What Treatment Is Available for Individuals Suffering from an Addiction?

As you turn your thoughts to sourcing a drug and alcohol rehab in Powys for your loved one, it is entirely normal for you to want to gain an understanding of the treatment that they will be subject to in rehab.

The drug and alcohol rehabs that we can help you refer your loved one to all provide tailored treatment programmes. Considering this, it is somewhat difficult to determine the exact treatment that your loved one will need without conducting a pre-admissions assessment.

However, based on the observations you discuss with us, we will be able to offer insight into the treatments that may be recommended.

Regardless of the addiction, the consequences and the individual, detoxification is always the first stage of any rehabilitation programme.  This is because detoxification helps an individual withdraw from the substance they have become addicted to.

Withdrawing from a substance helps remove harmful toxins from the body and brain and helps mitigate cravings that may lead individuals to relapse.

Once your loved one has successfully detoxed from the substance they have become addicted to, they will move onto the rehabilitation stage of their programme.  This usually consists of several forms of therapy.

The therapy that your loved one is provided with will entirely depend on their addiction.  As and when an admissions assessment is conducted, this therapy will be discussed with you and your loved one.

Dual diagnosis treatment is additionally available to those that are suffering from an addiction and mental health disorder.


What Is a Dual Diagnosis?

If your loved one is struggling with their mental health, it is not unusual for an addiction to have arisen.  In many instances, mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression influence an addiction.  This is because the individual suffering will turn to substances to relieve themselves of any pessimistic thoughts and feelings.  However, this can sadly cause a mental health disorder to heighten.

Should your loved one be simultaneously batting an addiction and mental health disorder, treatment for a dual diagnosis will be advised.  Dual diagnosis treatment will enable your loved one to overcome their addiction and seek treatment for their mental health disorder throughout their time in rehab.

The treatment for a dual diagnosis is relatively similar to the treatment carried out for an addiction.  As your loved one enters rehab, they will undergo a medically induced detoxification prior to progressing onto rehabilitation.

During rehabilitation, your loved one will face therapy.  This therapy will typically consist of one-to-one therapy and group therapy sessions.  The specific type of therapy advised will entirely depend on your loved one’s personal needs.

However, when an addiction and mental health disorder is present, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, or CBT as it is otherwise known, is usually administered.

CBT is an extremely beneficial form of therapy as it encourages an individual to talk about the problems they have faced, or are currently facing, and helps them to change the way they think and behave.

CBT also sees an individual adapt their attitudes, beliefs and offers a solution with regards to psychological and emotional problems.

It may be somewhat difficult for you to determine if a dual diagnosis will be necessary.  However, just as the impact your loved one’s addiction has had on their physical and psychological health will be uncovered when an admissions assessment is conducted, the need for a dual diagnosis will be too.


Contact Us Today

If you are hoping to obtain support, advice and guidance with regards to your loved one’s addiction, we can offer you just that.

Upon discussing your loved one’s addiction with you, we can also help you locate a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Powys.

We understand that watching your loved one suffer in silence will be disheartening and leave you feeling somewhat helpless, but with our help, together we can ensure that your loved one has the ability to make a long-term recovery.

Contact us today by calling 0800 012 6088.