If you have a problem with drugs or alcohol, you are certainly not alone. Nearly a quarter of adults in England and Scotland regularly drink over the Chief Medical Officer’s low-risk guidelines and it’s estimated that there are more than 600,000 dependent drinkers in England, less than a fifth of whom are receiving treatment.1 Meanwhile, nearly 3 million or 9.2% of adults between 16-59 reported using a drug last year.2 This does not always mean there is a serious problem but the slippery slope to addiction is easy to fall into and difficult to get off.

You are not alone either if you are looking for help for your drug or alcohol addiction in Meltham. Addiction is very difficult to overcome alone due to its very nature, but it can be successfully treated with the right help and support in place. Help is always there if you reach out for it, but you might be wondering where to look and what your first steps should be.


Outpatient Treatment and Local Support in Meltham

There are a number of resources available to you for free, starting with your own GP. They will not necessarily be able to provide dedicated addiction treatment, but they can refer you on to drug and alcohol services, as well as helping with any physical and mental health issues that may be associated with your substance misuse.

If you are not registered with a GP you could try Meltham Group Practice or check with the Find A GP tool on the NHS website for other surgeries in the area.

Drug and alcohol services in the Kirklees area (including Meltham) are provided by CHART Kirklees. It is based in Huddersfield, around 5 miles from Meltham, at the following address:

1st and 2nd Floor

20 Manchester Road

Huddersfield HD1 3HJ

Tel: 01484 353333

The Base, also in Huddersfield, offers a similar free and confidential drug and alcohol service for young people up to the age of 21 in Kirklees. Some other local organisations offering help and support in the area include Kirklees in Recovery and Alcohol Support Kirklees (ASK).

There are also many support organisations that operate nationally and offer telephone or online services. The mental health charity Mind has a good list of useful contacts.

Rehab in Meltham and Surrounding Areas

Another option you might want to consider is residential drug and alcohol rehab, which is where you stay in the treatment centre as a resident during the course of your treatment programme. This has a number of benefits and is generally considered to be the single most effective way of treating a serious addiction problem. As Meltham is a small town you will have to look a little further afield but this is not generally a problem as you will be staying in the rehab centre anyway. The only issue will be sorting transport to and from the facility, which we can help to arrange.


Residential Rehab vs Outpatient Treatment

With outpatient treatment you will need to attend various sessions and appointments. As mentioned, the closest services to Meltham are located in Huddersfield and, while this is relatively nearby, it can still prove challenging to attend every session if you are struggling with organisation or motivation due to your substance misuse problem. You will also be surrounded by the people, places and situations associated with your substance misuse, with relatively easy access to drugs and/or alcohol. It can be all too tempting to relapse, especially if you are suffering from withdrawal symptoms, cravings or just going through a stressful time.

With inpatient or residential alcohol and drug rehab, you are safely away from all that in a safe, quiet environment where you can really focus on your recovery. You will have no access to drugs or alcohol, making you less likely to relapse when the going gets tough. You will go through an alcohol and drug detox in a supervised setting with access to prescription medication to help you through it (where this is considered medically appropriate). You will have access to the finest care and you will be surrounded by recovery professionals and fellow residents who are on their own recovery journeys.

You will also take part in a thorough tailored treatment programme designed to address the psychological elements and root causes of your addiction. Because you are there through the day and your main focus is recovery, the treatment programme tends to be far more intensive than therapies and counselling offered in outpatient programmes. This generally means that better results can be achieved in a shorter timescale – although relapse prevention sessions and an aftercare package will continue to help you maintain your recovery after you finish the main treatment programme.


The Detox and Rehabilitation Process

Detoxification is an important step in any recovery as this is when you actually rid yourself of the drugs and/or alcohol already in your system. The process can be accompanied by severe withdrawal symptoms, so it is always best to go through it under supervision if possible.

A drug and alcohol detox is only one step in the overall journey. You will also be encouraged to explore the root causes of your addiction through a range of therapies, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, group therapy and one to one counselling. This holistic approach to addiction treatment gives you the best possible chance to make a full and long-lasting recovery and avoid relapsing in the future.


Start Your Recovery Journey in Meltham

Admitting that you have a problem and seeking help is always a huge and positive step forward, whichever route you decide to take. Whether you call your GP first or contact local support groups or the drug and alcohol services for Meltham, you can expect to be treated with sensitivity, respect and confidentiality.

The same is true if you decide that private drug and alcohol rehab could be your best way forward. We work with numerous rehabs to make sure you have the right treatment and facilities for your own unique needs. Our friendly and experienced team can advise you on the next steps so get in touch today on 0800 012 6088. It might be one of the most important things you ever do.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is Addiction A Mental Illness Or Disease?
This question can divide a lot people who work in healthcare. However, most people agree that addiction is a mental health disease. Regardless of how an addictive disorder may be characterised, the staff at the drug and alcohol treatment centres that we work alongside are able to get you clean and sober for the long-term.
What Are The Types of Therapy Available?
If you are still confused or concerned about the specific details regarding types of treatments then you can always call our helpline. However, as referred to above, the drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres that we refer people to offer physical and psychological addiction treatment. Counselling, dual-diagnosis treatment, CBT and DBT, art therapy, and much more may be made available to you depending upon which centre is best for you.
How do I pick the right rehabilitation programme? 
Your first question might be, ‘How do I find a rehab near me?’ but there are many factors to consider when choosing the best rehab for you, of which location is one. You might not be in the best place mentally to deal with these questions when in the grip of an addiction, but we can help guide you through the options and find the right rehab for your own personal circumstances.


  • [1] Meltham Group Practice - https://www.melthamgp.co.uk/
  • [2] Find A GP - https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-gp/
  • [3] provided by CHART Kirklees. - https://www.changegrowlive.org/drug-alcohol-kirklees
  • [4] The Base - https://www.changegrowlive.org/the-base-kirklees/info
  • [5] Kirklees in Recovery - https://kirkleesinrecovery.com/services/kirklees-in-recovery/
  • [6] Alcohol Support Kirklees (ASK). - https://www.alcoholsupport.com/kirklees/
  • [7] Mind - https://www.mind.org.uk/information-support/types-of-mental-health-problems/recreational-drugs-alcohol-and-addiction/drug-and-alcohol-addiction-useful-contacts/