However, with our support, we can ensure that you have the ability to embark on a suitable rehabilitation treatment programme that will enable you to overcome your drug and alcohol addiction once and for all.


If you find yourself struggling with an addiction, Addiction Advocates are here to assist you.

From the moment you contact us, we will provide you with a helping hand to guide you through the process of securing treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hemel Hempstead.


The Addictions Treated At A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hemel Hempstead

Across Hemel Hempstead, there is an abundance of drug and alcohol rehabs that provide treatment for various addictions every single day. Below, we have outlined the addictions that are commonly treated.

  • Alcohol Addictions
  • Prescription Drug Addictions
  • Cannabis Addictions
  • Heroin Addictions
  • Cocaine Addictions


In addition to providing treatment for the above addictions, many drug and alcohol rehabs that we can refer individuals to in Hemel Hempstead also offer dual diagnosis treatment.

Dual diagnosis treatment is provided when an individual simultaneously struggles with an addiction and mental health disorder such as depression.

Sadly, the need for dual diagnosis treatment has increased. The UK Gov statistics report for 202/21 stated that 63% of adults starting treatment said they had a mental health treatment needed.


How Long Does It Take To Complete Treatment At A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hemel Hempstead?

Attempting to determine how long it will take an individual to complete treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Hemel Hempstead prior to understanding their addiction is virtually impossible.

Although many individuals believe that rehabilitation treatment takes a set amount of days or weeks, this is simply not true.

As and when treatment is sought from a drug and alcohol rehab, various factors are considered to ensure that the individual is provided with the treatment that they need to overcome their addiction.

The severity of an addiction, the psychological effects that an addiction has had and the side effects experienced will all be considered when gauging how long treatment will be recommended for.

Furthermore, when entering rehab, progress is continuously monitored.  This means that treatment times could be extended, should medical professionals believe that an individual is not quite ready to return home.

While disheartening, this can ultimately prevent an individual from relapsing.


How To Seek Treatment From A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Hemel Hempstead

If you are ready to put your addiction behind you and look towards a healthier and happier future, seeking treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Hemel Hempstead could not be easier, thanks to our self-referral services.

We can ensure that you secure treatment at a suitable drug and alcohol rehab within a relatively short time frame through our self-referral service.

This is because we commonly refer individuals struggling with addictions to private drug and alcohol rehabs, many of which are residential centres.

Initially, all that you are required to do is contact us.  However, we appreciate that for many, doing so is extremely difficult.

You may have kept your addiction a secret from others, and you may have previously steer cleared of seeking treatment.  Yet, you may now feel that the time is right for you to transform your life.

As and when you are ready to call us, our admissions team will be on the other end of the line to discuss your addiction with you.

We will ask you to share some information regarding your addiction with us, and we will also ask you a couple of questions so that we can understand how your addiction has impaired your life.

We know that answering our questions may cause you to experience a wealth of emotions, which is why we will encourage you to take your time.

Upon understanding the impact your addiction has so far had on your life, the side effects you experience and the substance you have become addicted to, we will be able to advise which treatment method may be more suitable for you.

If attending rehab is in your best interest, we will provide you with a selection of drug and alcohol rehabs in Hemel Hempstead that offer suitable treatment programmes for your particular recovery needs.

We will then help you select the right rehab facility and ensure that you are provided with an appropriate admission date.


What Type Of Rehab Will I Be Referred To?

If you have previously attempted to gain an understanding of the types of rehab that are available to you in Hemel Hempstead, you may have come to realise that NHS rehabs and private rehabs are the most common choices.

Typically, at Addiction Advocates, we refer individual’s that contact us to private residential rehabs.  However, we will consider your personal circumstances in order to ascertain which treatment method and rehab is best for you.


Give Our Team A Call Today

We understand that the thought of discussing your addiction for what may possibly be the first time may feel somewhat intimidating.

You may fear that you will be judged and you may worry that there is little help available for you to take advantage of.  However, this is simply not true.

Our team is on hand to lend a listening ear and provide you with the guidance you need.

As touched on above, when you contact us, we will ask you various questions so that we can determine the best course of action to take to guarantee that you seek treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Hemel Hempstead.  We will also answer any questions that you have.

If you are ready to refer yourself to a rehabilitation centre, please contact us today.  You can either phone us on 0800 012 6088, text HELP to 83222 or email



  • [1] 63% of adults starting treatment said they had a mental health treatment needed -