If you are worried that you have developed an addiction to substances, we can help you find a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Dacorum at Addiction Advocates.
Although you may be hesitant about asking for help, it is vital that you do so.
When an addiction is present, treatment must be secured as soon as possible. Sadly, leaving an addiction untreated can significantly impair your life.
Should you find yourself contemplating attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Dacorum, we have provided a wealth of information below to assist you in making a decision.
Choosing The Right Drug and Alcohol Rehab In Dacorum
When it comes to choosing the right drug and alcohol rehab in Dacorum, many factors must be considered to ensure that your addiction and recovery needs are catered to.
While many will simply look to acquire treatment via their local doctor and the NHS, the treatment available via the NHS is somewhat limited. Many individuals that require addiction treatment also find that they are made to wait for the lifesaving treatment they need.
As a result, it is in your best interest to consider your options when it comes to choosing which rehab you will attend.
In addition to NHS rehabs, across Dacorum, there are a number of private rehabs that provide thousands of individuals with addiction treatment.
Private rehabs provide treatment on an outpatient and inpatient basis. However, the majority of private rehabs encourage those battling addictions to take advantage of inpatient treatment.
Not only does inpatient treatment ensure that individuals can progress through a tailored treatment programme at their own pace, but it guarantees that professional support can be accessed at all times.
Attending a private inpatient rehab will also enable you to remove yourself from your usual surroundings in order to focus solely on your addiction recovery.
Unlike NHS rehabilitation, attending a private inpatient rehab does come at a cost. However, we would encourage you to consider that attending a private inpatient rehab will provide you with much more advantageous results.
Individuals that attend private inpatient rehabs are much more likely to go on to make a full recovery. In contrast, individuals that attend an NHS outpatient rehab are at greater risk of relapsing within the first 12-months of their recovery.
Completing A Treatment Programme At A Drug and Alcohol Rehab In Dacorum
As and when you commence treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Dacorum, you will be provided with a personalised treatment programme that will take your physical health, psychological health and the severity of your addiction into consideration.
Devised by medical experts, your treatment programme will outline the treatment that you will progress through.
Although it is difficult to ascertain the exact treatment you will be required to complete, it is highly likely that detoxification, rehabilitation, one-to-one therapy and group therapy will be incorporated.
Detoxification is the first stage of any treatment programme as it encourages your body and brain to begin to withdraw from the substances that you have become addicted to.
Usually spanning 7-days, detoxification is administered medically. As you undergo a detoxification programme, you may experience a number of withdrawal symptoms.
While withdrawal symptoms can be uncomfortable to experience, the drug and alcohol rehab in Dacorum that you attend will be able to provide you with support and assistance to ensure that you remain comfortable at all times.
Following your detoxification programme, you will commence on a rehabilitation programme. Rehabilitation will see you encounter a number of psychological and well-being therapies in both one-to-one and group settings.
When carried out in one-to-one settings, therapy will encourage you to uncover what has caused your addiction to arise. One-to-one therapy will also help you adapt your mindset and determine how you can secure a substance-free future.
In contrast, group therapy will offer you the opportunity to share your struggles and recovery with others. You will also have the ability to learn how other individuals have recovered from their addictions.
Aftercare Support Provided By Drug and Alcohol Rehabs In Dacorum
When medical professionals and recovery support workers believe that you are ready to return home upon completing a treatment programme, you will continue to be supported in your recovery with 12-months of free aftercare support.
Aftercare support may see you attend weekly group therapy sessions. However, your chosen drug and alcohol rehab in Dacorum may recommend support groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous.
Commence A Treatment Programme At A Drug and Alcohol Rehab In Dacorum As Soon As Possible
As touched on above, when an addiction is present, treatment must be secured as soon as possible. Sadly, the longer you delay treatment, the more problematic your addiction will become.
With this in mind, if you have come to realise that an addiction is impairing your life, we would ask you to call us today.
At Addiction Advocates, we can help you secure treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Dacorum within a relatively short time frame. We can also provide you with the information you need to help you determine which type of rehab will be able to assist you best.
Call Our Admissions Team Today
Whether you would like to find out more about the types of drug and alcohol rehabs in Dacorum or would like further information on the treatments that are typically administered at a drug and alcohol rehab in Dacorum, our admissions team are on hand to help.
With a 24-hour helpline, we welcome you to pick up the phone at any given time to take advantage of the help and support we can offer you.
If you find yourself ready to take the first step in regaining control of your life and overcoming your addiction to drugs and alcohol, please call us on 0800 012 6088.
In doing so, we can help you start your recovery as soon as possible.
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