Are you currently consuming excessive amounts of alcohol and want to know how to stop drinking alcohol in the long term? Are you hoping for the safest and most effective route? Or are you hoping for the quickest turnaround?

Before reducing or stopping your alcohol consumption, you must first understand your tie to addictive substances. You must identify what you’re hoping to achieve by putting a stop to drinking alcohol. You must also consider the success rates of all available treatment options, in place to help people wanting to discover how to stop drinking alcohol and live a life of sobriety once and for all.

If there’s one thing for certain, it’s that you will benefit greatly by putting a stop to drinking alcohol, physically and psychologically, contributing to a better quality of life. Keep reading to find out more. 


The Benefits of Going Sober

Although the initial withdrawal from alcohol will likely feel uncomfortable, commonly influencing difficult symptoms, once you’ve worked through addiction recovery, many benefits await you. 

By stopping your alcohol consumption, while recovering mentally and medically, you’ll benefit from the following:

–Physically: Abusing alcohol for the long term can harm your physical health. In fact, it can be life-threatening. Many chronic health problems are commonly experienced by those suffering from alcoholism. From weight loss and more energy to brighter and healthier skin, hair and nails, and reduced blood pressure, your health can advance significantly by detoxifying from alcohol.

–Psychologically: Mental health problems are likely to be experienced when living with an addiction to alcohol. As substance abuse targets cognitive functionality and responses, you’re likely to live with a dual diagnosis. If you aim to stop drinking alcohol for the long term, your mental health will benefit greatly. Pre-existing mental health conditions can also be treated in unison with addiction treatment, helping to reduce future relapse probabilities.

–Relationships: Relationships will likely take a hit when prioritising alcohol consumption. If alcohol has been negatively impacting your home life, recovery efforts can help. By overcoming your alcohol addiction, via a specialist treatment centre, you’ll have the opportunity to work on your relationships through therapy.

–Career: All interests or responsibilities will also diminish while drinking excessively. If you aim to stop drinking alcohol, while maintaining positive lifestyle routines, you’ll have a new lease of life to refocus on your career.

–Quality of life: All in all, reducing or stopping your alcohol consumption will benefit the entirety of your life. You’ll save financially and improve your health, while finding yourself, beyond alcohol abuse.


Can I Stop Drinking Alcohol Alone?

Many individuals will attempt to stop drinking alone by going what is known as ‘cold turkey’. Although detox attempts showcase the desire to stop drinking alcohol, independent efforts are not recommended, especially if you are someone who has lived with alcohol addiction for some time.

Professional addiction treatment programmes are the only recommended route to help people stop drinking alcohol, down to effectiveness and safety. However, if you do attempt the cold turkey approach, you’ll likely experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. 

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms are likely no matter your selected recovery route. However, without medical supervision support, severe symptoms of alcohol withdrawal will not only negatively impact your health, but they can also influence further binge drinking. Within a residential rehab setting, people will also have access to treatment that can significantly reduce the discomfort felt during the detox stage. 


Common Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms

Commonly experienced withdrawal symptoms when bringing your alcohol consumption to a halt include:

  • Nausea
  • Migraines
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • anxiety
  • Stomach cramps
  • Sweating
  • Confusion
  • Shaking
  • Delirium tremens

It is important to note that the type and severity of withdrawal symptoms will differ for all individuals. Some individuals, especially those who’ve consumed low levels of alcohol, will likely experience an easier withdrawal process.

If you’re consuming high units of alcohol, withdrawal will likely be challenging through an alcohol detox programme, yet it will be worthwhile.


How Long Is A Stay At An Alcohol Rehab?

The initial recovery process, helping you stop drinking alcohol, can be completed throughout rehab, averaging at 28 days. This timeframe is set as old habits will need to be diminished, while developing positive coping strategies.

Remember, ongoing recovery efforts are easier and much more valuable than ongoing alcohol abuse. It is important that you focus on the benefits of an alcohol-free future when maintaining your sobriety.


Tips to Quit Drinking

  • Set your intentions – If you’re truly committed to cutting off all alcohol consumption, it’s important that you set your intentions. This is the time to become accountable and share your recovery goals. Although it may be difficult to acknowledge your problem, or it may be challenging to understand how severe your drinking habits are, we can help you with both.
  • Be aware of your triggers – Being aware of your triggers, from your social interactions and your mental health to previous experiences and trauma, will help you understand your relationship with alcohol better. 
  • Look out for signs of relapse – It’s also encouraged that you become aware of relapse signs and the available support to help you stop drinking. Now is the time to ask the questions, to do your research and to become open to rehabilitation.
  • Build a Support Network – Personal support, such as local support groups, will be available to you in your local area. There’s also a high chance that a loved one, friend or even your employer may be able to support you. If support comes your way, it’s recommended that you accept it, no matter how difficult that initial acceptance may be.
  • Consider professional support – Professional support, like our services and those of alcohol rehab clinics, will also be accessible. We’re here to offer guidance, along with referrals to rehab. A wide range of treatment programmes are available, which you should consider if you feel out of control. 
  • Look at environmental factors – It’s essential to reevaluate your environment, especially post-rehab, to ensure you’re not exposing yourself to triggers that can be avoided. 
  • Look for new coping tools – Coping is a personal feeling, so you’ll need to find something that offers a positive and sustainable distraction. Look for some healthy hobbies, start journaling, practice mindfulness, and consider your lifestyle to find new coping techniques.
  • Change your routine – If your routine isn’t working for you, take steps to change it. For example, some people may find leading a busy yet structured routine beneficial to them. For others, cutting out the noise and focusing on building essential habits will bring them the most peace. 
  • Embrace self-care – This is the time to care for yourself truly. Your wellbeing and mental health matter. By embracing self-care, you’ll have the opportunity to focus and work on yourself truly. 
  • Reward progress – some people will experience setbacks in their recovery journey. Yet you’ll also encounter progress and some significant milestones. Remember to focus on the positives and celebrate these achievements. Each small step will add to your long-term recovery journey, which deserves recognition.

Reach out here at Addiction Advocates for our support throughout the rehabilitation process, along with some more advice on how to stop drinking.


How to Stop Drinking Alcohol In the long term

If you’re wondering how to stop drinking alcohol sustainably, it is widely recommended to seek treatment within a rehab centre that specialises in alcoholism. Although the approach within a residential may initially feel intense, great care and addiction treatment will likely be required to achieve an alcohol-free future.

Through rehab, you’ll have access to treatment options which promote physical and psychological healing. Although physical side effects may predominantly present themselves, psychological impacts also develop. In order to treat those impacts, a range of both treatment options must be activated, only available through rehab.


Find Effective Alcohol Addiction Treatment Today

Through our partnering rehab facilities here at Addiction Advocates, you will have access to a personalised treatment programme. Within that programme, you will be encouraged to complete a range of treatment options to help you stop drinking alcohol.

Treatment options commonly utilised include comprehensive alcohol detox programmes and a broad range of therapy treatments, such as cognitive behavioural therapy, relapse prevention planning and wellbeing sessions. Our team of addiction specialists will work with you to find the best and most suitable rehabilitation option for you, no matter how unique your circumstances are. Reach out today and start your journey to recovery.