Across the world, antibiotics are prescribed every single day to treat various health problems.

Although medical professionals advise against consuming alcohol when taking a course of antibiotics, individuals frequently choose to go against this.

Should you find yourself asking what are the dangers of mixing antibiotics and alcohol, you have come to the right place.

At Addiction Advocates, we have delved into the side effects frequently experienced when antibiotics and alcohol are mixed, and the dangers of mixing antibiotics and alcohol below.


What Are The Side Effects Of Mixing Antibiotics and Alcohol?

The NHS has previously stated that drinking alcohol in moderation will unlikely cause side effects to arise when an individual is taking antibiotics.

However, other medical resources state that antibiotics and alcohol should not be combined due to the dangers associated.  These dangers include the side effects of mixing antibiotics and alcohol and the long-term health consequences of doing so.

Prior to uncovering the side effects of mixing antibiotics and alcohol, it should be noted that 27% of the Great British population are believed to abuse alcohol on a regular basis. In addition, over half a million individuals in England are alcohol-dependent.

With an increasing number of people abusing and becoming addicted to alcohol, it is not uncommon for antibiotics and alcohol to be mixed on a frequent basis.

As antibiotics and alcohol are simultaneously consumed, various short and long-term side effects may arise.  The short-term side effects experienced are likely to be temporary and will often alleviate within a short period of time.  However, the long-term side effects of mixing antibiotics and alcohol are often irreversible.

If you have recently mixed antibiotics and alcohol, or are concerned that a loved one may have mixed antibiotics and alcohol, we have outlined the most common side effects that will likely arise below.

Short-Term Side Effects

  • Sickness
  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Persistent headaches
  • Increased heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Reduced energy levels
  • Hot flushes
  • Chest pain


Long-Term Side Effects

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Stomach problems
  • Impaired liver function
  • Kidney problems
  • anxiety
  • Heart palpitations
  • Heart failure
  • Organ failure

If you are worried that you have experienced the above symptoms or have noticed that a loved one has, please do not hesitate to contact us.  We can provide advice and guidance on what you should do.

Likewise, if you require medical assistance, please contact your local doctor or 999.


Mixing Antibiotics and Alcohol: What Are The Dangers?

While many individuals will often believe that mixing antibiotics and alcohol is relatively harmless, this is sadly not true.

As noted above, various side effects come hand-in-hand with mixing antibiotics and alcohol. These side effects ultimately present as dangers as they can impair an individual’s health, and even cause an individual to become increasingly unwell.

Below, we have outlined just a number of the dangers of mixing antibiotics and alcohol.


Mixing Antibiotics and Alcohol Can Cause Mental Health Disorders To Arise

When consumed individually, the side effects of alcohol consumption and some antibiotics can cause individuals to experience increased anxiety and paranoia levels.

When consumed simultaneously, the ramifications of mixing antibiotics and alcohol on an individual’s mental health can be much more significant.


Mixing Antibiotics and Alcohol Can Interfere with Organ Function

As touched on above, some of the main side-effects of mixing antibiotics and alcohol include digestion problems, irregular heartbeat, heart palpitations, kidney problems and impaired liver function.

Although these side effects are commonly experienced upon consuming alcohol, the consequences can be devastating when mixed with antibiotics.

In unfortunate circumstances, mixing antibiotics and alcohol could lead to life-threatening and irreversible conditions.


Mixing Antibiotics and Alcohol Can Hinder Recovery

When an individual is prescribed a course of antibiotics, medical professionals will usually outline how long the medication needs to be taken for in order to alleviate the illness.  When followed, patients go on to make a full recovery within a relatively short time frame.

However, when antibiotics and alcohol are mixed, recovery can be hindered.  This is because alcohol can ultimately obstruct the benefits associated with antibiotics, therefore increasing the time it takes for an individual to recover.


Mixing Antibiotics and Alcohol Could See an Individual Develop An Addiction

In addition to the above, mixing antibiotics and alcohol could see an individual become reliant on substances.

This will ultimately increase the possibility of an addiction arising.


Should Antibiotics and Alcohol Be Mixed?

As outlined above, various side effects and dangers are frequently associated with mixing antibiotics and alcohol.  Considering this, we would highly recommend that you do not mix antibiotics and alcohol.

It should be noted that the dangers of mixing antibiotics and alcohol will significantly vary, and the side effects experienced when mixing antibiotics and alcohol will be entirely dependent on the antibiotic that is prescribed.

Although we would ask you to consider avoiding mixing antibiotics and alcohol, if you are unsure of whether there are any dangers associated with mixing an antibiotic that you have been prescribed by a doctor with alcohol, it is in your best interest to consult with them.

Your doctor will be able to inform you of the side effects associated with mixing antibiotics and alcohol and will also be able to outline the dangers of doing so.


Contact Addiction Advocates For Addiction Support

If you have found yourself struggling with an addiction to either prescription drugs such as antibiotics or alcohol, we would ask you to consider contacting us for addiction support.

Addictions are severe mental health disorders that control an individual’s every waking moment.

Considering this, professional treatment must be sought if you are to overcome an addiction and make a long-term recovery.

While the thought of contacting us to discuss your addiction may be daunting, we are on hand to help you take the first step in your recovery.  We will listen to how your addiction has impaired your life and ensure that you secure the treatment that you need to overcome it.


  • [1] drinking alcohol in moderation -,and%20tinidazole%20can%20cause%20drowsiness.
  • [2] should be noted that 27% of the Great British population are believed to abuse alcohol on a regular basis. -,the%20previous%20week%20%5B2%5D.
  • [3] over half a million individuals in England are alcohol-dependent. -