When faced with the prospect of admitting you have an addiction you may experience a depth of denial as well as low confidence in your ability to withdraw from drugs and alcohol which may result in you having cold feet about asking for help. However, if you are experiencing an ounce of readiness, it’s imperative that you overcome those emotions by taking action, by sourcing those all-important answers you deserve.
At Addiction Advocates, we are rehab referral specialists. We’ve been through this exact process with a vast number of clients, firstly helping them receive the information they require to start recovery, and secondly, supporting them through selecting a drug and alcohol rehab in their local area.
Through our experience, we understand what it takes to secure suitability when looking to rehabilitate. We also appreciate the importance of a seamless and easier admission process into rehab for our clients. To achieve both, we can answer your questions, we can understand your needs, and we can find a suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Gateshead for you to recover from.
Experience the best possible start to your drug and alcohol rehab journey with our guidance. Below are some of our most commonly asked questions around drug and alcohol rehabilitation to give you a head start.
Will I Benefit From Rehab?
If you are committed and invested, if you select the most suited rehab centre and programme, if you see it out, yes you will benefit from rehab.
Although it can be difficult to offer exact recovery rates, down to the personal experience of rehab, this process is sought-after and is highly recommended. Life-changing results can be achieved through drug and alcohol rehab, which we’ve witnessed here at Addiction Advocates.
This level of recovery is however only available for those who do embrace rehab and commit to the entire process, through rehab and post-rehab. Without this commitment, you may not benefit from the entirety of rehab, only achieving half of your capable results.
To ensure that you can benefit from rehab, it’s time to increase your readiness. Complete your research, ask those questions, share your battles with drugs and alcohol, and commit yourself psychologically to your impending transformation.
Will I Comfortably Recover From A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Gateshead?
If you are worried about localised recovery opportunities, that current drug and alcohol influences may remain through this option, please feel free to contact our team for greater comfort. However, yes, you can comfortably select a drug and alcohol rehab in Gateshead.
This is possible down to the option of residential rehab. Here you will be removed from all influences, all associations, all distractions, helping you embody the benefits of drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
There are many benefits linked to residential rehab, from the intensity of addiction treatment, to the around the clock care you can experience. Here you can encounter its value, along with localised recovery in Gateshead.
How can I pick between rehab clinics?
Through our services here at Addiction Advocates, we can help you select between rehab clinics with transparency. The aim is to find you a rehab programme and clinic which carries suitability. Suitability is very important to ensure that you can cope through rehab, that you can feel comfortable, and that you can harness the opportunity.
We will understand your personal needs by completing a range of assessments. Those findings will guide our rehab recommendations, providing a selection of drug and alcohol treatment centres. In most cases, the most suitable drug and alcohol rehab in Gateshead will be recommended, yet this is your personal choice.
This is also the case when considering the delivery of rehab. We can provide recommendations and recovery results, yet the end decision is up to you. Whatever your decision, we can progress ahead by placing a referral, soon setting your admission into a drug and alcohol rehab in Gateshead.
What are my expected recovery results?
Accurate recovery results cannot be provided currently, as an assessment will be required. However, by completing a comprehensive rehab programme, via a suitable rehab clinic, you will have the opportunity to reach the initial stages of recovery.
Down to physical drug and alcohol withdrawal and psychological realignment, through detoxification and therapy, to relapse prevention and lifestyle changes, you can reach a sober future. It is however vital that you understand that maintenance must be completed to remain sober.
With this in mind, your expected recovery results can be to withdraw from drugs and alcohol, to cope without them, to change your mind on them, and to build a strong future without them. However, a cure, or an instant recovery timeframe isn’t available and will not be through any rehabilitation format.
How is long-term recovery achieved?
As touched on above, initial recovery is realistic through a drug and alcohol rehab in Gateshead. However, you must continue your road to recovery in order to sustainably meet long-term recovery.
You can achieve long-term recovery by:
- Completing consistent addiction treatment sessions via aftercare in Gateshead
- Remaining honest to yourself and those around you
- Maintaining a positive lifestyle, ensuring that you have enough sleep, that you eat well, and that you exercise
- Reaching out for mental health support as and when necessary
- Reducing your drug and alcohol exposure, whether that’s disassociating yourself with certain people or changing your hobbies
- Activating your relapse prevention plan when necessary
- Developing new hobbies and coping strategies
By following the above, you will be positioned strongly to remain sober, to achieve long-term recovery, to normalise a life without drugs and alcohol. Yet, to reach this point, you must first commit to drug and alcohol rehabilitation.
Via a drug and alcohol rehab in. Gateshead, which carries suitability, you can complete all of the necessary steps to achieve initial recovery. You can start this process today by reaching out to our team. If you still have any questions or worries, we are here to assist you, ensuring that you can act on your readiness to leave drugs and alcohol behind.
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