You might think that drug and alcohol rehab is an extreme solution, but addiction can be an extreme problem.

It can destroy relationships and careers, wreck your physical and psychological health and even prove fatal.

Drug and alcohol treatment within the setting of an inpatient rehabilitation centre has been proven to be the most effective way to deal with a serious addiction. It may seem scary but the process itself will see you treated in a safe, tranquil environment.

You will be surrounded by experts with a wealth of experience in the field of addiction recovery, who are used to dealing with people from all sorts of backgrounds and situations.

You will be surrounded by people who understand what you are going through and who will not judge you for current or past behaviours.

In short, there is certainly nothing to fear from attending a rehab or detox clinic. There’s nothing to lose and there could be everything to gain, so why not contact us today to find out how we can help you to beat your addiction and turn your life around.


Can I beat Addiction alone?

The short answer is yes, it is possible to beat addiction alone. It is incredibly difficult though and attempting to do so can also be dangerous.

If you are reading this, there’s every chance that you have already tried to quit drinking or taking drugs – possibly multiple times. A lot of people find themselves in a vicious cycle of trying and failing to quit, which can lower their self-esteem and make the initial problem even worse.

One of the main reasons for this is that drug or alcohol detox can be such a difficult process. Drug and alcohol withdrawal symptoms can be very unpleasant and, at their most severe, they can also be potentially dangerous.

The temptation to get these symptoms to stop by going back to the substance involved can be overwhelming, and you may also be around people who enable your bad habits.

Even if you manage to pass that initial hurdle, remaining clean and/or sober remains an ongoing challenge. Relapse is always a danger and resisting temptation and ingrained habits using willpower alone is extremely difficult.

Addiction essentially ‘rewires’ your brain over time. The explains that the dopamine signal released when undertaking a pleasurable activity “causes changes in neural connectivity that make it easier to repeat the activity again and again without thinking about it”.

This can lead to habits forming even with ‘normal’ activities but the large surges of dopamine produced by drug use can ‘teach’ the brain to seek out these substances at the expense of other, healthier goals and activities.


How Drug and Alcohol services can help

Addiction and drug and alcohol abuse are certainly not new issues. Attitudes towards these problems have changed over time but modern addiction treatment is entirely evidence-based, with structured programmes built around proven techniques that have been shown to achieve positive results over and over again.

That doesn’t mean that there is a ‘magic bullet’ when it comes to addiction treatment. Getting over an addiction is never easy and it’s never a certainty. You must fully engage and put in the effort but, if you do, attending an addiction programme at a residential rehab in Loughborough will give you the best possible chance of coming out at the other side free from drugs and alcohol.

The nature of residential treatment means you will be in a position to put that effort in and really concentrate on your recovery, away from any triggers and temptations you might be facing if trying to quit from home.

You will be in a safe, structured environment, with the best support available 24/7 from trained experts in the field of addiction and recovery. All this adds up to a setting that puts you in the best place when trying to quit drugs or alcohol and make a long-term recovery.


What Treatments will you receive?

There is no set answer to this. Certain approaches and treatments are more suited to different individuals and could also change depending on the type of substance involved, the length and heaviness of usage and other factors such as the presence of mental health issues.

Addiction can have both a physical and psychological impact and many people who are in the grip of an addiction also have mental health problems. The relationships between mental health, addiction and substance misuse can be complex, with each impacting on the others in different ways.

It can be very valuable to treat addiction and mental health issues at the same time, with this generally being termed dual-diagnosis treatment.

While treatment programmes can vary between rehabs and even between different individuals being treated in the same place, there are some common elements.

As previously mentioned, detoxification is a difficult and sometimes dangerous process and a supervised detox is usually the first major part of anyone’s stay in rehab. Withdrawal symptoms can sometimes be managed with medication and medical supervision can help to remove some of the risk.

Relapse is always a danger however and relapse prevention is also a huge part of any holistic treatment programme. This generally involves exploring the root causes behind your addiction and your addictive behaviours.

Talking therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychotherapy, group therapy and counselling can all be very valuable in this regard.

Stress management techniques, mindfulness and ‘alternative’ therapies such as art therapy can also be useful in providing you with new ways of coping with stresses and triggers, and helping you to adapt a healthier lifestyle.

Addiction tends to be a condition that only gets worse if left untreated. It can do untold damage to you and the people around you so don’t delay if you are struggling with any of these issues. Get in touch today to find out how we can help you to break the vicious cycle of addiction.



  • [1] causes changes in neural connectivity -