If you have become reliant on drugs or alcohol, you must seek support from a drug and alcohol rehab in Truro as soon as possible.

Why Should I Obtain Treatment from A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Truro?

If you have come to realise that you rely on drugs or alcohol to help you get through the day, or turn to drugs or alcohol to relieve any negative thoughts and feelings, obtaining treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab will ultimately preserve your life.

Even if you do not believe that your addiction is severe enough to seek treatment, we would urge you to do so.

While you may not necessarily think that your consumption level is anything to worry about, if you rely on, crave and turn to substances daily, your body and brain will eventually feel the repercussions.

Although many of the short-term effects can be treated and will eventually subside, the long-term impact that drugs and alcohol have on the body and brain are often irreversible.

However, seeking treatment from a drug or alcohol rehab as soon as you realise that you have a drug or alcohol addiction can mitigate the overall impact that your addiction has on your health and well-being.

In addition to the above, obtaining treatment from a drug and alcohol rehab in Truro will salvage your relationships with others. As an addiction consumes your life, you will lose control of your behaviours and emotions. Sadly, this may eventually unintentionally damage your relationships with others.


Why Will I Be Required to Participate in Therapy at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Truro?

If you have been considering attending a rehab in Truro for some time, you will likely have taken it upon yourself to gain an understanding of the treatment that you may be subject to. In doing so, you will have come to realise that rehabilitation treatment requires individuals to participate in therapy.

The thought of undergoing therapy can be somewhat daunting for many people. Not only will you be required to address the factors that have caused your addiction to arise, but your perception of therapy will likely leave you feeling uneasy.

Although many perceive therapy to be a gruelling, joyless and sombre process in which an individual is expected to sit in a dark room with a therapist, therapy is actually quite the opposite.

Private rehabs ensure that therapy is conducted in a bright, spacious and open room while focusing on how an individual can overcome their personal struggles and set themselves up for success.

While you may fear the thought of undergoing therapy, therapy plays a vital role in your addiction recovery.


What Types of Therapy Are Administered at a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Truro?

Throughout your time in rehab, therapy will provide you with a safe space to explore the factors that have contributed to your addiction.

The therapy that you are offered will entirely depend on your personal needs and circumstances. However, this will be discussed with you before your treatment commences.

The therapy typically offered by a drug and alcohol rehab in Truro consists of traditional and non-traditional therapy.


Traditional Therapy

Traditional therapy, or talking therapy as it is otherwise known, usually sees an individual participate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, one-to-one recovery planning, stress management, relapse prevention and group therapy to uncover the factors that have caused their addiction to arise.

Addressing these factors can, at times, cause an individual to feel a wealth of emotions. However, it is imperative to do so.

Whether in a one-to-one or group setting, expressing what has caused your addiction to arise and the consequences that your addiction has had on your life will provide you with an outlet to relieve yourself of the pessimistic thoughts and feelings you have likely been keeping to yourself for some time.

As you discuss the factors that have contributed to your addiction, your recovery team will have the ability to help you devise various coping strategies that will ensure that you have the best possible chance of making a long-term recovery.


Non-Traditional Therapy

Non-traditional therapy, on the other hand, consists of various well-being therapies. Over the last few years, the benefits obtained through the use of non-traditional therapies have been observed by medical professionals across the world. This has seen a more significant number of rehabs in the United Kingdom favour them.

Unlike talking therapies, non-traditional and well-being therapies provide those in recovery with the opportunity to turn to art, music, yoga, meditation and even acting to navigate the repercussions addictions have had and determine how best to overcome these.

In addition to offering an outlet for an individual to express how they feel as they complete their time in rehab, non-traditional therapies are incredibly beneficial as rehabilitation treatment programmes are completed, and recovery continues at home.


How Do I Refer Myself to a Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Truro?

If you have decided that you are ready to obtain treatment for your drug or alcohol addiction, we have ensured that referring yourself for treatment is a relatively straightforward task.

Thanks to our referral service, all you need to do is contact us.

From listening to the symptoms you are experiencing and gaining an understanding of the substance that you have become addicted to, as and when you contact us, our admissions team will be on the other end of the phone to discuss your addiction with you.

With an understanding of your addiction, we will contact a suitable rehab in Truro and make a referral on your behalf. Upon doing so, a convenient admissions date will be provided for you to commence your rehabilitation treatment.


Give Us a Call Today

Are you ready to seek treatment for your addiction? Are you prepared to commit to a substance-free life? Give our team a call today.