If you are silently suffering from an addiction, attending a drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey is in your best interest.

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Although the thought of discussing your addition with us, or medical professionals, may seem frightening, doing so will help you take the first step in overcoming your struggles.

Sadly, the number of people hesitating to seek help for their addiction has seen an increase in the number of individuals losing their lives to their addiction.


Signs and Symptoms Associated With Drug and Alcohol Addictions

If you find yourself struggling with a drug or alcohol addiction, you may well have experienced several signs and symptoms that an addiction is present.

However, you may have had reason to believe that the signs and symptoms experienced resulted from generally feeling unwell, especially if you have only just come to realise that you have sadly become addicted to a substance.

Typically, the signs and symptoms associated with drug and alcohol addictions are short-lived.

However, as your addiction intensifies, the signs and symptoms experienced will indicate that your addiction is damaging your health.

If you are struggling with an addiction, the signs and symptoms that you may frequently experience include, but are not limited to;

  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia
  • Increased levels of anxiety
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Irritability
  • Lack of concentration
  • Changes in your appearance
  • Changes in your appetite


The Long Term Repercussions Of Drug and Alcohol Addictions

As an addiction arises, various short and long-term side effects will begin to impair your life. As touched on above, a wealth of signs and symptoms will indicate that your addiction is damaging your physical and psychological health.

While the short term side effects of drug and alcohol addictions will often diminish within 24 – 48 hours, the long term side effects of addictions can damage your health beyond repair.  Sadly, when left untreated, addictions could see you experience various long term repercussions.

The long term repercussions of drug and alcohol addictions include, but are not limited to the following;

  • Cancer
  • Organ failure
  • High blood pressure
  • Risk of stroke
  • Mental health disorders
  • Irreversible memory problems
  • Infertility
  • Dementia


Seeking Treatment For A Drug or Alcohol Addiction

As previously discussed, the number of people obtaining treatment for their drug or alcohol addiction is somewhat substandard.

There were 275,896 adults in content with drug and alcohol services between April 2020 and March 2021.

However, securing treatment for a drug and alcohol addiction is essential.  Failure to do so will regrettably cause your addiction to become much more severe and almost unbearable.

In unfortunate situations, your addiction could even cost you your life.

Although the thought of seeking support may cause you to experience emotions such as shame, guilt, sadness and even anger, you must do so.

There are many drug and alcohol rehabs in Jersey that are ready to support you in overcoming your addiction.


The Benefits Of Attending A Private Residential Rehab

Although many individuals often set out to obtain treatment for their addiction via the NHS, various benefits are associated with private residential rehab.

First and foremost, private drug and alcohol rehabs in Jersey can provide almost immediate support and treatment to those struggling with addictions.

Sadly, those that decide to seek treatment from the NHS will likely find themselves placed on waiting lists due to a high demand in services.

Secondly, private drug and alcohol rehabs in Jersey offer those battling addictions a safe space to overcome their addiction, reflect on the factors that have contributed to their addiction and recuperate away from their everyday lives.

Although it is not often taken into consideration, out-patient treatment can hinder an individual’s recovery.

Furthermore, attending a private drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey will ultimately offer a wealth of industry-leading treatments.

The treatment obtained upon attending a private rehab will also be entirely bespoke to your personal addiction and recovery needs.

As we can see from the above, the benefits of attending a private residential rehab are much more advantageous than seeking out-patient support.

While we appreciate that you may not like the thought of leaving your family behind or pressing pause on your typical daily routine, if you are to truly recover from your addiction doing so is essential.

You should also keep in mind that seeking treatment for your addiction is not just in your best interest, but it is also in the best interest of your loved ones.


The Costs Associated With Private Residential Drug and Alcohol Rehab

As you ponder whether attending a private drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey is realistic, it is common for you to want to find out more about the costs associated with rehab.

When you contact us to discuss your addiction, we can advise how much treatment at a drug and alcohol rehab in Jersey may cost.

The overall cost of treatment is likely to differ depending on the rehab that you attend and the treatment that you require.

We would ask you to keep in mind that attending rehab should be seen as an investment. As you secure treatment and take the first step in overcoming your addiction, you are investing in your future.


Contact Us Today

If you would like to find out more our services, the various drug and alcohol rehabs in Jersey or the treatment that may be provided to you, please contact us today.

Likewise, if you are ready to take the first step in overcoming your addiction, we would encourage you to contact us today to discuss your treatment options.

Should you find yourself ready to take the first step in overcoming your addiction, we can also help you make a self-referral to a suitable treatment centre.

Simply call us on 0800 012 6088, text HELP to 83222 or email info@addictionadvocates.com.



  • [1] 275,896 adults in content with drug and alcohol services between April 2020 and March 2021 - https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/substance-misuse-treatment-for-adults-statistics-2020-to-2021/adult-substance-misuse-treatment-statistics-2020-to-2021-report