Unfortunately, your first goal is unrealistic. A cure in relation to addiction doesn’t exist. However, your latter goal can be achieved, by recovering via a drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom. With this in mind, although an instant cure isn’t accessible, you can withdraw from drugs and alcohol, you can benefit psychologically, and you can work to maintain sober living with the help of rehab.

If drug and alcohol rehab is unfamiliar to you, there’s a high chance that you will have a number of questions. To help you understand your potential drug and alcohol rehabilitation journey and what to expect from local recovery, it’s important that you source answers for those questions. Below are a few of our most commonly asked questions here at Addiction Advocates, providing greater clarity for you on drug and alcohol rehab.

Whether you have personal questions or hope to experience the benefits linked to visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom, reach out today. Although it may feel disheartening that rehabilitation is for the long-term, you can experience a positive and healthy future by sacrificing now.

Can I Be Cured Through Rehab?

As outlined above, unfortunately, a cure doesn’t exist. While this may be difficult to understand, an addiction is a brain illness. Down to the complex makeup of addiction, a singular cure is very difficult to materialise.

Although this may be tough to hear, especially if you are really struggling, drug and alcohol withdrawal can be achieved, along with full recovery. It is important to remember that in order to maintain this status, in order to lead a future without drugs and alcohol, you must commit to the prospect of long-term recovery.

Drug and alcohol rehab can move you towards this status, yet you must actively continue your sober lifestyle. Please be reassured that you will be provided with tools to reduce your exposure and association to drugs and alcohol. The main goal of visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom will be to promote long-term independent recovery. By investing yourself, this can be experienced.


Can I Recover From A Drug and Alcohol Rehab in Epsom?

Yes, if local recovery is your goal, you can visit an Epsom based rehab clinic. Commonly there are reservations linked to localised recovery. This is usually down to the ongoing exposure to drug and alcohol triggers. However, this is linked to outpatient rehab, commonly difficult to deal with alone when struggling with a drug and alcohol addiction.

With this in mind, if visiting a drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom is favoured, residential rehab must be considered. Here you’ll reside from one of our associated drug and alcohol rehab clinics, benefiting from an all-round recovery experience.


Why Should I Utilise Your Services?

At Addiction Advocates, we’ve helped clients across the country by recommending the most suited drug and alcohol rehab programmes. From easing the admission process, to providing greater confidence in personal recovery capabilities, our services have facilitated the initial recovery steps.

You should utilise our services to experience these benefits, with the aim to firstly prepare for drug and alcohol rehab. Our support can ensure that you are ready to withdraw from drugs and alcohol and focus on your rehabilitation journey. We can then assess your addiction history, with the aim to find the most suited drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom.

Our services can ensure that you are recovering safely, from an effective rehab centre which will advance you through the rehab process. In addition, we can influence an efficient admission into your selected rehab clinic, ensuring that you are receiving support and addiction treatment as soon as you’re ready to recover.

Experience our specialist support, experience reassurance when selecting a drug and alcohol rehab, experience an efficient admission, all benefiting your initial steps of drug and alcohol rehabilitation.


Will I Need to Detox From Drugs and Alcohol?

Yes, throughout the initial stages of rehab, you will detoxify from drugs and alcohol. This is a very important step to ensure that remaining traces of drugs and alcohol can be removed from your internal system.

Withdrawal is the first step of rehabilitation, helping your body cope without drugs and alcohol. While it’s identified as a tough addiction treatment, down to withdrawal symptoms, you’ll be in the best place by selecting a drug and alcohol rehab, ensuring that you are safe and can bypass those withdrawal symptoms.

Please avoid any form of independent detox. At Addiction Advocates, we encourage medically assisted detox programmes via a drug and alcohol rehab.


Will I Need Other Treatment?

Your drug and alcohol rehab programme will start with a detox programme. However, you will also need further addiction treatment alongside detoxification, ensuring that you can heal psychologically.

A comprehensive addiction treatment programme will be provided, based on your personal needs. With this in mind, accurate treatment recommendations will only be provided on your admission. Commonly recommended addiction treatments do however include therapy, motivational therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and support groups.

Since an addiction is a brain illness, it is imperative that both physical and psychological streams of addiction treatment are completed. A singular detox will not work. Lone therapy will not work. A comprehensive range must be completed, only available through a specialist drug and alcohol rehab.

Through this process, you can reach the initial stages of addiction recovery, helping you work towards long-term recovery. Here is where sober living can be maintained with your active input. Via a drug and alcohol rehab in Epsom, you can work towards this recovery status, offering the value of localised, residential rehab.

Find the most suitable rehab programme out there by utilising our services. Whether you have a range of questions, concerns, or hope to start your assessment, we can assist. Experience support at this difficult time, experience our helping hand, and experience an efficient admission into rehab through Addiction Advocates.