An Overview of the 12 Steps of RecoveryRecovering from an addiction can be very challenging. The recovery process itself can be unfamiliar, lonely, daunting and demanding. Since an addiction will affect all individuals differently, recovery routes will also vary for all recovering addicts.

The majority of recovering addicts will complete a rehab programme. Yet, once this programme has finished, long-term sustained sobriety is the aim.

The route to achieving sustained rehabilitation can change for everyone. Addiction recovery can be very complex, where a number of social, environmental and psychological variables can distract, disrupt or progress long-term recovery.

For a proportion of clients, a 12-steps of recovery programme will be followed to help control these variables, ensuring that progress can continue, and that sober living can be normalised.

If you’re personally recovering, or know of someone who is withdrawing from drugs, alcohol or further unhealthy habits, here’s an overview of the 12 steps of the recovery approach, recommended for post-rehab sustainability.


What is a 12-step recovery programme?

Understanding the 12 steps of recovery is very important, to decide whether this is a comfortable and convenient route for yourself personally to support you through sober living. A 12-step recovery programme is a structured mutually used programme, commonly embraced through group settings, following a 12-phase transition.

As accountability and group sessions are renowned for upholding new routines and outlooks, a 12-step recovery programme is used to promote sober living, along with the opportunity to inspire and support others through the same process.

Although social treatment options may not work for all individuals, mutually completed programmes are identified to strengthen social associations, responsibility levels and group commitments to uphold sobriety for all. Whether you’re struggling alone or believe that a loved one requires a greater rehabilitation structure after the initial treatment, the 12 steps of recovery approach may be fitting.


Why are the 12 steps of recovery important?

The 12 steps of recovery are very important when considering long-term rehabilitation as they consistently work on improving mental, physical and emotional health. Through each step, these improvements, combined can increase the stability of long-term recovery rates.

Through these 12 steps of recovery, accountability will increase, mutual philosophies, goals and commitments are made, responsibilities are acknowledged, all linked to remaining sober. This level of social investment is known to increase the desire to recover, for oneself, for family members and for those within the 12-step group.

By upholding the 12 steps of recovery phases, small positive steps can be made, helping to strengthen the prospect of long-term recovery. Although relapse risks are common through the initial recovery phase, those risks do diminish once a positive routine is formed, upheld and followed for around 5 years post-recovery. Through the commitments of a recovery programme, like the 12 steps approach, meeting this milestone is likely, sooner than later.

See an overview of the 12 steps of recovery below, and how they can motivate sustainable addiction recovery.


An Overview of the 12 Steps of Recovery and long-term recovery

The most popular 12 steps of recovery programme which is used are within the association of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), a populated mutual-help group. As large followings are likely, the traditional 12 steps of recovery approach have been adapted, focussing on inclusivity.

Although religious philosophies are embraced and supported, the deeper meaning of the 12 steps can connect with all recovering addicts, no matter their outlooks.

Here’s an overview of the 12 steps of recovery by following AA’s successful approach:

  1. Admit the relationship with alcohol, drugs or other unhealthy habits.
  2. Believe that a greater Power can help and restore sanity.
  3. Turn our lives over to that greater power, whether that’s to a God or to professionals.
  4. Made a true moral inventory of ourselves, behaviours and choices
  5. Acknowledged our wrongs to ourselves, or the greater power and to others in mutual situations.
  6. Ready to recover, to overcome these negative habits/characteristics.
  7. Source support from professionals/ask God to remove all negative associations.
  8. Identified all harm that we have caused, and how to revert this.
  9. Revert those harmful experiences, behaviours or actions.
  10. Continue to take personal responsibility, be honest and admit any downfalls.
  11. Improve our consciousness through meditation and prayer.
  12. Mutual promotion of these 12 steps of recovery, known to provide change, a spiritual awakening, to provide the chance to recover through reaching out.

Although a religious focus is present, many philosophies can be used for all recovering addicts. These steps can strengthen recovery results through progression, self-acceptance and through future commitment.


How to overcome an addiction?

If you’re completing the initial stages of recovery, a rehabilitation programme will be required prior to following the 12 steps of the recovery approach. As addiction is complex, as it requires both physical and psychological treatment, a time of rehabilitation will be required before you can reach for sustained sobriety.

To achieve this, here at Addiction Advocates, we can help you find an appropriate rehab clinic to complete treatment from. Through our specialist referral services, we can ensure that you complete a rehab programme that instils long-term recovery goals.

Through completing a comprehensive treatment programme, you will then have access to aftercare services and independent recovery choices. The 12 steps of recovery approach can be utilised here, commonly through AA sessions. Here you’ll have the chance to work on social triggers, on your accountability and responsibility levels, and your commitment to recovery.

By embracing the 12 steps of recovery and its true underlying meaning, you’ll have the chance to recover while also inspiring others through a similar process. Understanding the value of mutual support groups is very important, known to significantly benefit your emotional and psychological recovery chances.

We hope an overview of the 12 steps of recovery has helped to motivate your initial recovery efforts. Here you can turn the sober living into your norm, into a sustainable goal to maintain. Start your initial recovery journey through our recommendations, soon followed by a 12-step recovery programme.