Dr Misbah Sadiq

Medically reviewed by

Dr Misbah Sadiq

Junior Doctor in Psychiatry | MBBS, PMDC, IELTS, PLAB (1&2), General Medical Council (GMC)

Dr Misbah Sadiq is a highly dedicated medical professional, registered with the General Medical Council (GMC), MBBS, renowned for her exceptional expertise and commitment to healthcare. With four years of experience as a medical doctor, she has consistently demonstrated her proficiency in providing high-quality medical care.

Currently, Dr Sadiq has redirected her medical journey towards the field of psychiatry, where she has found her niche specialising in alcohol and drug addiction. She is dedicated to understanding and addressing the complex challenges of addiction.

Dr Sadiq also possesses a profound passion for education and has a proven track record of teaching undergraduate medical students where she imparted her knowledge and expertise, inspiring the next generation of medical practitioners.

Updated 20/02/2024

Alcohol Addiction

Alcohol addiction is often referred to as an illness due ...

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